Daryl Koopersmith: Elastic Theme Editor

4 responses on “Daryl Koopersmith: Elastic Theme Editor

  1. Richard Sothcott

    this is the single most useful thing i have seen in wordpress for years. Having spent too many hours searching through different themes and plugins finally somebody is ahead of the game. Thank you Daryl.
    oh, and, does it allow for creating multiple page templates to use within the theme?


  2. Alex

    This should basically be standard in WordPress.


  3. Jack

    I hope the WP development community gets behind this effort. Creating a custom theme from scratch is a huge effort and not for the newbie. If you want wordpress to become the CMS standard, then you need to attract people without php skills and tools like this make it possible.

    I will be following this very closely. Go Daryl!!


  4. Glen Woodfin

    I just paid $175 for a developer’s license to a WYSIWYG theme called Headway. Maybe I should have tried the Elastic open source theme first.

    I applaud Daryl Koopersmith for starting this project while being a student. I’m looking forward to seeing how far the community will take it.


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November 15, 2009

Daryl Koopersmith introduces a new way of creating WordPress themes with the Elastic editor, and creates a basic theme—all in five minutes.

Video courtesy ISOC-NY.

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WordCamp New York 2009 29


Daryl Koopersmith 10


Development 392
Plugins 345
Themes 279


English 10496

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