‘Continuous Integration’ Videos

  • Manuel García Solipa: Entornos de desarrollo y CI/CD para equipos medianos

    WordCamp Venezuela 2021Speaker: Manuel García Solipa

    May 8, 2021 — Esta es una ponencia que trabajo internamente dentro de mi empresa, con mis compañeros desarrolladores. Básicamente, lo que busco es proporcionar un esquema de trabajo coherente y replicable que permita a un equipo de unas 10 a 12 personas fijas y otras tantas rotativas, trabajar con diferentes proyectos basados en WordPress siguiendo lineamiento propios que faciliten el día a día.

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  • Tessa Kriesel: Conquering Continuous Integration & Deployment

    WordCamp US 2017Speaker: Tessa Kriesel

    December 10, 2017 — You know that Continuous something-or-other exists. Maybe you have even heard the terms Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment, but not much more than that. I was in your shoes just a few short months ago. I came, I coded, I conquered. Now I am breaking it all down so you too can feel confident with the basics of continuous integration and deployment.

    I will cover the basics of how to setup Github and Circle CI with WordPress and configure deployment to a staging environment. We will cover continuous-jargon and break down yml and script files to better understand how it works and how you can start to use it with your projects.

    Attend. Absorb. And you too can conquer.

  • Tessa Kriesel: Conquering Continuous Integration & Deployment

    WordCamp Baltimore 2017Speaker: Tessa Kriesel

    October 23, 2017 — She enjoys front-end development but also loves to build sites from start to finish. She started in Joomla back when it was 1.0.x and worked her way into WordPress and Drupal about 7 years ago. She enjoys teaching others to code as well as speaking at conferences and youth events. Tessa is a northern Minnesota native, but now lives in the Twin Cities with her husband and four children

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  • Tessa Kriesel: Conquering Continuous Integration & Deployment

    WordCamp for Publishers 2017Speaker: Tessa Kriesel

    October 10, 2017 — You know that Continuous something-or-other exists. Maybe you have even heard the terms Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment, but not much more than that. I was in your shoes just a few short months ago. I came, I coded, I conquered. Now I am breaking it all down so you too can feel confident with the basics of continuous integration and deployment. I will cover the basics of how to setup Github and Circle CI with WordPress and configure deployment to a staging environment. We will cover continuous-jargon and break down YML and script files to better understand how it works and how you can start to use it with your projects. Attend. Absorb. And you too can conquer.

  • Giuseppe Mazzapica: Continuously delivering WordPress

    WordCamp Torino 2017Speaker: Giuseppe Mazzapica

    April 11, 2017 — C’era una volta un tempo in cui il webmaster (figura semi-mitica ormai estinta) per mettere online un sito web si armava soltanto di un client FTP e tanta pazienza.

    Oggi, invece, “DevOps”, “Continuous Delivery”, “Continuous integration”… non sono soltanto “buzzword”, ma anche pratiche con cui uno sviluppatore web professionale deve fare i conti giornalmente o quasi.

    Questo talk espone una serie di strumenti e strategie per implementare un strategia di Continuous Delivery per moderni siti web basati su WordPress.

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  • Евгений Котельницкий: Как получить качество?

    WordCamp Moscow 2016Speaker: Evgeny Kotelnitsky

    September 29, 2016 — На WordCamp Moscow 2016 Евгений расскажет о том, что влияет на качество при создании сайта на WordPress и как добиться наилучшего результата. Будут затронуты вопросы построения эффективного процесса разработки, управления наполнением, контроля качества, непрерывной интеграции и стоимости проекта.

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  • Ryo Kamata: CI支援サービスから始めるWordPressプラグイン・テーマ開発

    WordCamp Kansai 2016Speaker: Ryo Kamata

    July 30, 2016 — 様々なツールや開発手法の登場によって先鋭化するウェブ開発において、その恩恵を最大化するために必須のものとなっているのが、CI(継続的インテグレーション)支援サービスです。今回のセッションでは、WordPressプラグイン・テーマ開発でのCIの実践を例に、主要なCI支援サービスの特徴について紹介します。

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  • Megumi Hano: GitHub と Travis CI で WordPress テーマをテスト、ビルド、そして自動化

    WordCamp Kansai 2016Speaker: Megumi Hano

    July 28, 2016 — 継続的インテグレーション、CI(英: continuous integration)とは、主にプログラマーのアプリケーション作成時の品質改善や納期の短縮のための習慣のことを言います。(Wikipedia より)
    WordPress 公式テーマディレクトリ掲載テーマ Amethyst を事例に、採用したテストや費用対効果など WordPress テーマ開発における CI についてお話します。

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  • Ran Bar-Zik: WordPress Automation and CI

    WordCamp Israel 2016Speaker: Ran Bar-Zik

    July 26, 2016 — In recent years, the world rushes forward towards the development of the CI \ CD – integration of code and immediately push the code to the server. As part of this process, many tasks that were previously done manually are automated scripts. Lecture I will present some of the tools that enable CI \ CD for WordPress in a variety of environments, and how these tools can be used to greatly streamline the process of development of extensions and templates.

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  • Hiroshi Urabe, Takashi Kitajima and Takahiro Horike: WordPress Unit Test and Continuous Integration

    WordCamp Kansai 2015Speakers: Hiroshi Urabe, Takashi Kitajima, Takahiro Horike

    December 7, 2015 — 継続的インテグレーション、CI(英: continuous integration)とは、主にプログラマーのアプリケーション作成時の品質改善や納期の短縮のための習慣のことです。(wikipedia引用)
    本セッションではPHPUnitやTravis CI、WordMoveなどを使用して、WordPressで開発を行う際のCIの手法を紹介します。セッション後はハンズオンを実施してより実践的な内容を参加者の皆様には持ち帰って頂きます。