John James Jacoby: What’s New in BuddyPress 1.5

7 responses on “John James Jacoby: What’s New in BuddyPress 1.5

  1. Jackson

    These are exciting times for BuddyPress. Looking forward to 1.5 and beyond. Many thanks to all the BP folks making it possible.


  2. tom g

    I plan to try BuddyPress out again now that it has been updated. I tried it a while ago but was not happy. It sounds like you have been busy fixing all the things I did not like so I can’t wait to give it a go again! Thanks for all your efforts!


  3. Rodrigo R Neto

    The Blogosfera Brasil, the social network of bloggers in Brazil, uses BuddyPress. I look forward to using this new version. Congratulations on the excellent work!


  4. Govpatel

    I have been using buddypress on my website looking forward to the new version 1.5. I would like thank the developers for the hard work you all put in developing buddypress.


  5. Leland

    This is absolutely fantastic. Nice talk but great work on the dev.


  6. Adenilton Cerqueira

    Olá, muito boa noite
    criei essa rede no buddypress mais estou precisando de alguém para instalar alguns plugins.
    Você faria isso pra mim? E por quanto?


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