‘authentication’ Videos

  • WordPress-Login-Security

    WordCamp Germany 2023Speakers: Angelo Cali, Simon Kraft

    October 21, 2023 — Der Login-Bereich von WordPress ist aus Sicht der Sicherheit eine Schwachstelle. Alles und Jeder mit einer groben Vorstellung von Benutzername und/oder Passwort kommt von hier aus an Admin-Rechte, kann grundlegende Änderungen an Plugins, Aussehen und Inhalt einer Website vornehmen.
    Mit welchen Maßnahmen der Login abgesichert werden kann, schauen wir uns in diesem Vortrag an.

  • Timothy Jacobs: Passkeys -The Future of Authentication

    WordCamp Buffalo 2023Speaker: Timothy Jacobs

    May 22, 2023 — We all know we should be using Strong Passwords and Two-Factor to protect our online accounts, but following best practices isn’t always easy. Teaching clients that they need to be using a distinct strong password on all their sites plus a password manager to keep track of all of them has already been difficult. And while Two-Factor protects against nearly all attempts to hack your accounts, it’s even harder to convince clients to use it.

    Luckily, the fine folks at the FIDO Alliance have been working hard at this problem for years. WebAuthn is a comprehensive standard to let users log into apps & websites without needing to user a password or a two-factor code. With WebAuthn you can log in using authentication methods built into your device like Face ID, Touch ID, or Windows Hello.

    Passkeys is the latest version of this standard and it promises to deliver a simpler and even more secure way of getting signed in. In this talk, we’ll explore the different ways hackers can break into your user accounts. Them, we’ll explore how you can use passkeys across the web and to protect your WordPress website.

  • Conor Woods: Pic ’n’ Mix WordPress – Using the WordPress Rest API to Super-Charge Non-WP Sites and Apps

    WordCamp Belfast 2016Speaker: Conor Woods

    November 2, 2016 — This talk will show real-life examples of some of the possibilities that the new WordPress Rest API gives to web developers to supercharge their non-WordPress sites and apps.

    The talk will highlight the following topics:

    Brief introduction into what the Rest API offers and why it is such a big deal.
    An example of using the Rest API for user management (including how to make it work cross domain).
    An example of using Wordpress as a payment server on a non-WordPress site and restricting access to features based on roles.
    An example of using the Rest API in a hybrid app.
    Other awesome possibilities…

    Presentation Slides »