Editing your existing list of links

5 responses on “Editing your existing list of links

  1. David Aston

    Thanks for your videos.
    I think that may be more helpful if you
    actually show what you are describing rather
    than just show them so quickly at the end of the video.
    David Aston


    • Michael Pick

      Thanks for the feedback – it all goes into making future tutorials better! In the meantime, we welcome submissions from our visitors if you’d like to create or share an alternative version of any of the tutorials. I agree, this tutorial could use a mite more context. It’s always a bit of a balancing act – too much context and some people want you to “get to the point”, too little and others are confused. While we can’t please all the people, all the time, over time it’s great to see which things work and don’t for our users.


  2. tuldvnhloc

    Thanks for your very useful video.


  3. Nilam Ashra-McGrath

    Thank you! So much easier to understand when someone explains it visually.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. dncb

    I have several categories of links; the lists are taking up too much space. Can I put my links in a dropdown menu?


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January 5, 2009

If you’d like to go back and reassign the categories your links and blogrolls fall under, this video will walk you through how to get it done in a short space of time

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Michael Pick 116


links 12
WordPress.com 37


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