Jane Wells: What’s Next for WordPress

3 responses on “Jane Wells: What’s Next for WordPress

  1. Stephen

    Lots of good info for someone like myself wanting to learn more about WP.


  2. Mark Williams

    Jane seemed very confident and it appears as though WordPress is in good hands and will continue to evolve. As a web design co. that builds most of its sites on WP, I’m happy to see WP seems to be evolving into a better CMS than just being a blogging platform. The menu system is a big step in that direction. I know some of clients will be very happy about the menu system when we let them know in our next newsletter.


  3. François-Xavier Harbec

    Great job WordPress, you guys ROCK! Keep promoting freedom strongly.


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July 10, 2010

Jane Wells from Automattic gives the news on what’s coming next for WordPress. WordPress 3.0 has brought many new features to WordPress including menus, multiple site support, custom post-types and much more. Hear directly from Jane on the latest and get a sneak peak at what’s coming to the WordPress project, how you can get involved, and more.

Video provided by Blaze Streaming Media.

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WordCamp Boulder 2010 9


Jane Wells 15


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