Wes Chyrchel and Karim Marucchi: Setting Client Expectations In WordPress Web Development

4 responses on “Wes Chyrchel and Karim Marucchi: Setting Client Expectations In WordPress Web Development

  1. Siobhán

    I notice you never mentioned cost and getting a deposit. And how much you charge for changes and whether you give full admin rights as some people don’t want to pay for changes, do you not say here is the password to interface be careful any changes you make may be irreversible and fatal but don’t call me if that happens.
    I have a client who has called twice to my home so I could help her write a post with no cash changing hands!!! It’s true what Todd says the client last words are’You did exactly what I asked for but that is not what I wanted’


  2. Chad Warner

    This talk and its Q&A covered a lot of common issues with client expectations. I liked the advice about being firm and professional while still having the clients’ best interests in mind.


  3. Karim Marucchi

    @Siobhán We did not cover budgets or costs to try and keep the talk relevant to different scaled WordPress projects. As for the changes without pay you mention, I would suggest you set those expectations before beginning work with a client.

    @Chad Thank you I will add that to the next version of the talk.


  4. Ahmed Azzabi (@AhmedArcan)

    Hi Karim thank you for the talk but as @Siobhán, his questions are very relevant and i would know the answer, do you have any other talk, reference that can answer those questions about budgeting, cost, deposit, contracts, how much for change, while we wait for your next talk 🙂 that would be great.


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December 3, 2013

This presentation is practical examples and information about setting expectations with clients when developing a WordPress site.

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WordCamp Los Angeles 2013 10


Wes Chyrchel 4
Karim Marucchi 16


Development 392


English 10521

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