Linda Sherman: Social Media Marketing Tips to Boost Your Online Reputation and Your Prosperity

9 responses on “Linda Sherman: Social Media Marketing Tips to Boost Your Online Reputation and Your Prosperity

  1. Christina Hills (@christinahills)

    I had met Linda before at a previous WordCamp, but had never heard her speak. She gave a fabulous talk 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Linda Sherman Gordon

    Thank you very much @ChristinaHills.


  3. Linda Sherman Gordon

    Please note there is a link to my “Presentation Slides” on this page. You’ll find useful notes there.


  4. Jacqueline Roberts

    So many great ideas here Linda! I am always amazed at the scope of your knowledge and how much I learn about using social media platforms every time I hear you speak. As we say in Hawaii, Mahalo.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Linda Sherman Gordon

    Thank you Jai! It has a been a great pleasure watching you blossom on social media @Gardens4Life.


  6. claraberta2015

    As an artist, I prefer to spend my time in my studio. But the results I’ve seen from working with Linda Sherman on Social Marketing have convinced me it is worth spending a bit of time to let people know about my abstract art work.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Judah Freed

    LInda has been mentoring me in social media, such as guiding me to raise my Klout score by 20 points over the summer. She knows her stuff and teaches it well.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Linda Sherman Gordon

    Thank you Clara @BertaArt! Your beautiful art must be seen! I am so happy that more and more people are recognizing your huge talent.


  9. Linda Sherman Gordon

    Thank you @JudahFreed. Your Klout score is a useful benchmark of what you have accomplished by actively building social relationships over the summer. All of that helps you spread the word about the books you author and the issues of concern to you.


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October 8, 2015

Whether you are a web developer, web designer, content producer, author or agency; social media marketing should be a skill you command. Your WordPress website is the hub of your marketing but social media platforms represent important spokes supporting both marketing and customer service.

Presentation Slides »

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WordCamp Los Angeles 2015 32


Linda Sherman 1


Online Reputation 3
Prosperity 1
Social Media Marketing 6


English 10521

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