Using Quick Edit and Bulk Edit to manage your posts in half the time

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25 responses on “Using Quick Edit and Bulk Edit to manage your posts in half the time

  1. Paul Chaston (masterchef)

    Tutorial videos like this are really helpfull. As an “almost” complete beginner to website design, blogging & wordpress I need all the help I can get. Sites like this with content like this really are a great help and resource. Thank You


  2. itorganization2017

    I really like and appreciate these new videos! I’ve been blogging for a little over a year now – always on the WordPress platform, and really like it. My only beef has been finding how to do some things – the help documentation can be a little obtuse, to say the least! These videos really help. I’m very much looking forward to seeing more – especially coverage of some more advanced topics – perhaps even HTML for dummies!


  3. problogging

    how to mass edit date wordpress doyou have tips


  4. gammablog

    That bulk editing tip is great. I had no idea it was there. Thanks.


  5. Dr Deb ND

    Thank God I found Word Press TV. There is way too much information on this site and you wind up in such a sink hole…. which is deeper than the rabbit hole…
    I think you need to let new users know this is here in huge bold letters.It will save many time and needless aggrivation.
    Thanks Deb


  6. Per Abildgaard

    I have just created my first blog and I find these videos really helpful. I always search for tutorials when I want learn something new on my computer. It saves time and it gives me inspiration.


  7. Mint Tree

    **arg… I was looking for a way to mass edit the POST PUBLISH DATE, but I guess this function isn’t available in WP 2.7.

    Why? You asked? It’s because I have a movie/TV blog that I can’t organize the post by date because I sometimes added the episodes later after publishing the latest eps.

    *Other, note is that–unfortunately WordPress can’t sort the NUMBER in the Post Title =).


  8. frdmgrlkty

    I use a BB curve which doesn’t have flash. I have gotten 1music video.I know its capable what do I need to do for watching Wp tutorials or is there a readable version. Learning on my own @ snailpace. TUTUTU


  9. dijans

    Thanks for these great wordpress tips. Very helpful!


  10. lmn275

    For the someone sakes can anybody show me where on my dashboard is a post button? May be it is all looking fancy and beautiful but there are many useless other buttons except from what i need – and i need only 2 – POST button to start posting and PAGES button, to make pages!


    • Michael Pick

      You can access the Posts and pages menus from the menu bar on the left – in both cases you’d want to add new. Otherwise, check that you have QuickPress activated in the screen options (top right next to help) – this lets you post directly. Assuming you have WordPress 2.7 installed (or are using – older versions will differ. If you’re using I’d recommend browsing support. If you’re self hosting (it sounds like you might be), the support forums will soon set you straight. Hope that helps.


  11. onwardforthechildren

    How do I post content that is dated prior to what I already have posted? What if I want to post something that is 2 years old — so all my posts are in chronological order? Thanks.


  12. johnkooz

    I need to do this bulk edit (…but with like over 250 posts. Only 15 show up per page. Any suggestions? thanks a ton


    • Michael Pick

      Sure – if you upgrade to WordPress 2.8 you can now decide how many items are listed on your management pages, via the “Screen Options” at the top of the screen


  13. Leslie Sigal Javorek

    This is exactly the help I needed. I love these little quickie video tips – short & sweet and to the point. Thanks!


  14. liz

    This site looks very helpful but I’m BRAND NEW to blogging & not web designer/developer. I purchased the Thesis b/c I thought I would be able to find videos on getting out of the gates & I can not. Where do I start? Can someone point me in the direction of WordPress 101? I typed “beginners” in the search box & nothing relevant came up. Please help!


  15. djleon1

    Where have these videos been hidden – they are very helpful but not exactly simple to come across. Why are they not more prominently displayed.


  16. Superman

    Thanks, this is good info. However what I am really looking for is a way to replace certain words in all the posts (without having to go into mysql to run an update). Anyone?


  17. bkanther

    pretty good but you can’t manage custom fields…


  18. Offerta di lavoro

    Does any one knows how to bulk change date of publishing for posts?


  19. Wordpress Casino Plugin

    I would also like to know if there’s a plugin to edit post publish dates in bulk


  20. Zucker

    I was just having a nightmare of how to do this until I found this video. Thanks for this video it really saved me alot


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January 14, 2009

Quick Edit and Bulk Edit are two features that will make it easier for you to quickly make changes to single posts or a whole bunch at once. This video shows you how.

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