From Comfort Zone to Cutting Edge: Embracing Lean Principles in Front-End Projects

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October 13, 2023

In our ever-evolving field of front-end development, it’s easy to become comfortable with our familiar stack and tools. However, relying solely on what we already know can lead to stagnation and hinder our professional growth. In this talk, I want to introduce the concept of adopting a lean front-end mindset, empowering developers to stay up-to-date with the latest front-end techniques and tools available today.

By embracing this mindset, not only can we ensure that our projects and industry knowledge remain relevant, but we can also alleviate the stress of constantly catching up with new trends. This approach promotes lean development by avoiding unnecessary reliance on external libraries when they are not required.

Attendees will gain valuable insights on when and how to apply different development approaches, allowing them to create lean and effective solutions that meet project requirements.

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WordCamp US 2023 33


Dmitry Mayorov 10


Development 392
Front-end 21


English 10608

MP4: Low, Original
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