Speakers: Alli Berry

  • Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 1)

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Alli Berry

    July 12, 2020 — Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why.

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  • Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 2)

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Alli Berry

    July 12, 2020 — Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why.

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  • Alli Berry: [Workshop] Creating a Content Strategy from Scratch In 8 Easy Steps (part 3)

    WordCamp Denver 2020Speaker: Alli Berry

    July 12, 2020 — Are you creating content that you believe is under-performing? Or are you looking to start a website and aren’t sure what content to create? Regardless of your situation, this session will help you step back and create a content strategy that will ensure you have a purpose and audience in mind for every piece of content you publish. You’ll pick up tips that will help you narrow your content focus, identify your unique content angle, match the language of your prospective customers for SEO, and better understand what content to create and why.

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