Speakers: Makarand Mane

  • Effortless WordPress: Mastering Project Prep with WP-CLI Automation

    WordCamp Mumbai 2023Speaker: Makarand Mane

    May 5, 2024 — In this session, you’re about to embark on a journey that will transform the way you approach WordPress project setup. Imagine being able to automate repetitive tasks, streamline essential configurations, and save valuable time—all with the power of WP-CLI.

    In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key. As WordPress professionals, we often find ourselves repeating the same steps when setting up new projects—installing plugins, configuring themes, removing defaults, and more. What if there was a way to eliminate this redundancy and make project preparation effortless?

    This session dives deep into the world of WP-CLI, a command-line interface for WordPress, and explores how it can revolutionise your workflow. We will unravel the art of automation, demonstrating how to:

    Instantly install essential plugins and themes.
    Manage plugin licenses with ease.
    Customize admin configurations to your preferences.
    Bid farewell to unwanted default plugins and themes.
    Start with a clean slate by removing default content.
    Create user accounts effortlessly.
    Automate Git commits and pushes for version control.
    Set up a child theme for enhanced customization.
    Join us for real-world demonstrations and step-by-step guides, empowering you to simplify and expedite your WordPress project setup. Whether you’re a developer, designer, or WordPress enthusiast, this session equips you with the tools and knowledge to elevate your workflow and productivity.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Makarand Mane: Contributing WordPress translation into Marathi language

    WordCamp Pune 2017Speaker: Makarand Mane

    May 4, 2017 — In this session Makrand would help people understand, translating WordPress into Marathi is easy & simple.

    Anyone having knowledge of English and Marathi language can do it.

    WordPress Polyglot site is made for Localization of WordPress. Makrand would like to motivate people to contribute to it.

    WordPress is already available to use in the Marathi language. If more people’s starts contributing, more themes and plugins can be translated.

    There are more than hundreds of popular themes and plugins on WordPress repository. If at least they are translated into Marathi then many Marathi peoples can use WordPress easily in Marathi.

    On the occasion of Global Translation Day first, Makrand gathered many peoples to translate WordPress in Marathi. He found that some suggestions were getting rejected by General translation editor (GTE).

    Not every time, GTE can explain reasons for rejecting strings. But Makrand will guide new contributor and explain them ways to get in touch with Marathi GTEs. So better translations will be possible.

    Also, attendees will know benefits of contributing back to the community.