‘Drupal’ Videos

  • Radim Klaška: Silné stránky Drupalu

    WordCamp Prague 2020Speaker: Radim Klaška

    August 6, 2020 — Přednáška bude rozdělena do několika tématických celků. V prvním se posluchači dozví obecné informace o aktuální verzi Drupalu a o základních komponentách a principech. V druhé části si pak názorně na příkladech ukážeme, jak tyto komponenty efektivně využívat a co se s jejich pomocí dá jednoduše vytvořit. Na konci pak stručně představíme několik nejdůležitějších modulů (pluginů), které usnadňují práci jak vývojářům, tak editorům.

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  • Matteo Enna: Drupal è diventato un CMF, e WordPress che fa?

    WordCamp Milano 2019Speaker: Matteo Enna

    December 21, 2019 — Drupal dalla versione 8 ha introdotto nel suo core Symfony, definendosi così un CMF (Content Manager Framework) e non più un CMS. Anche WordPress permette di avere tutte le comodità di un Framework. Vi illustro gli strumenti che preferisco.

  • Nicola Stocco: Ma… è meglio Drupal o WordPress?

    WordCamp Verona 2019Speaker: Nicola Stocco

    December 10, 2019 — Realizzo siti e applicazioni web con entrambi i sistemi e spesso mi chiedono: “Qual è il migliore?”
    Se vuoi scoprirlo anche tu, non ti resta che seguire il mio talk.

  • Chris Teitzel: WordPress from a Drupal Perspective

    WordCamp US 2018Speaker: Chris Teitzel

    December 30, 2018 — Sometimes the best way to know what you’re doing right, and what you can do better, is to look at things from a fresh perspective. Being a Drupal developer for almost 9 years, and a recent convert to WordPress 2 years ago, I’ve seen the best and worst of both systems. Rather than pitting the two against each other, it’s best to look at the strengths, and yes the weaknesses of both. By doing so we can learn from each unique community and together make the projects stronger.

    This talk will center around my experiences of building a plugin coming from Drupal, what I found in the WordPress community that I’m trying to take to the Drupal community, and visa-versa what I learned in Drupal that I hope to share with WordPress. This will be a fun look at the two communities and from it we’ll come away with a greater sense of how we can better ourselves, our sites, and the open source community as a whole.

  • Siddharta Navarro: Introducción a Drupal y WordPress

    WordPress Meetup BarcelonaSpeakers: Siddharta Navarro, Luis Ortiz

    November 28, 2017 — Septembre 26, 2017 — Siddharta Navarro y Luis Ortiz —co-propietarios de Atenea Tech, una empresa de desarrollo web especializada en Drupal y con sede en Barcelona—, nos hablan de las principales características de Drupal, las tecnologías que éste utiliza y sus beneficios con respecto a WordPress.

  • Siddharta Navarro Castellar: Drupal 8, conoce a tu enemigo

    WordCamp Barcelona 2016Speaker: Siddharta Navarro Castellar

    May 24, 2017 — ¿Qué es Drupal? ¿Para qué sirve? ¿Realmente es tan feo como lo pintan? ¿Sólo si eres desarrollador puedes utilizar Drupal? ¿La curva de aprendizaje es tan difícil como la pintan? Estas y otras dudas y mitos persiguen a Drupal fuera de los círculos más expertos. Para mitigar todas estas dudas, y para que podáis hablar con un poco más de propiedad, he realizado cruzar las líneas enemigas y explicar a la comunidad WordPress los muchos PROS y las poquitas CONTRAS que tiene un software open source como Drupal. Además, me gustaría ir más allá, y salir de los extremismos, para ver cuando es realmente una buena idea realizar una web con Drupal, o cuando es mejor utilizar otros sistemas (como WordPress claro!). Centraré mi charla en Drupal 8, la última y flamante versión de este gestor de contenidos. En esta charla realizaré una presentación básica de Drupal, centrándonos en la nueva versión Drupal 8 que ha salido al mercado recientemente.

  • Gábor Hojtsy: Open source project management at scale, how 1300+ people improved Drupal 8’s multilingual features

    WordCamp Europe 2016Speaker: Gábor Hojtsy

    June 30, 2016 — Unless you have ample money, you need good people skills to get your way in open source projects. (Honestly even with ample money). Get a glimpse at how Drupal 8’s multilingual initiative involved 1300+ people over 4.5 years under my leadership in dramatically improving multilingual features. So much so that: https://twitter.com/tkraftner/status/671267078616272896

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  • James Roberts, Keith Devon, Kristof Van Tomme: Lightning Session

    WordCamp London 2016Speakers: James Roberts, Keith Devon, Kristof Van Tomme

    May 29, 2016 — How to automate your business by James Roberts

    Have you ever timed how long it takes you to do those mundane, administrative tasks that comes with running any business? This time soon adds up, and if you convert this time into an actual monetary value based on how much money you make per hour on average, it is also quite costly. This talk is designed to show you how you can automate various parts of your business in a non-technical way, in order to reduce the amount of time you spend on admin.

    High performance images in WordPress by Keith Devon

    Responsive images landed in WP 4.4. Keith Devon will show us what this means for theme developers. He’ll also take a look at how to further optimise the images on your WordPress website.

    Drupal vs WordPress, the battle for the clickers by Kristof Van Tomme

    When I tell people what I do for a living, most people don’t know what Drupal is. So I tell them it is a lot like WordPress. Invariantly the next question is what the difference is between Drupal and WordPress… In this talk I want to do a comparison between WordPress and Drupal, and give you my take on what makes both of them popular in their respective markets.

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  • David Jardin: Der CMS Garden

    WordCamp Cologne 2015Speaker: David Jardin

    July 14, 2015 — Passend zu unserem Motto “Erweitere Deinen Horizont · Teile Dein Wissen · Erlebe die Gemeinschaft” gibt uns David einen Einblick in den CMS-Garden.
    Der CMS-Garden ist ein Zusammenschluss von ca. einem Dutzend der bekanntesten OpenSource Content Management Systeme, darunter die “großen Namen” wie WordPress, Joomla!, TYPO3, Drupal und Contao.
    All diese System haben sich im Garden-Projekt zusammengeschlossen, um gemeinsam Marketing- und Lobbyarbeit zu betreiben, voneinander zu lernen und Wissen zu teilen.
    David möchte das Projekt vorstellen, zeigen, welche Erfolge sie erreicht haben, wo man sich engagieren kann und gleichzeitig ein wenig Schleichwerbung für die anstehende CMS-Garden Konferenz im Oktober machen.

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