‘mobile apps’ Videos

  • Vojtěch Smrček: Contributing to WordPress Mobile Apps

    WordCamp Prague 2020Speaker: Vojtěch Smrček

    July 16, 2020 — ‘My talk will show various ways of how people can contribute to the WordPress mobile apps. The apps are open-sourced and you don’t have to be a mobile developer to contribute.

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  • Cesar Tardaguila: Contributing to the WordPress Mobile Apps

    WordCamp Kuala Lumpur 2019Speaker: Cesar Tardaguila

    November 18, 2019 — Mobile devices provide an extraordinary opportunity to deliver a superior mobile experience to every user, particularly around accessibility and offline/poor connectivity support. The WordPress Mobile Apps, developed as open source, leverage that opportunity to bring the best WordPress experience on the road.

    This talk, by one of the developers involved in the development of the WordPress Mobile Apps, will contain first hand information on the way we develop and test them to make sure that we provide the experience that our users expect, and how anyone can contribute to the effort, either coding, testing, contributing designs or documentation.

  • Cesar Tardaguila: Contributing to the WordPress Mobile Apps

    WordCamp Hong Kong 2019Speaker: Cesar Tardaguila

    October 25, 2019 — Mobile devices provide an extraordinary opportunity to deliver a superior mobile experience to every user, particularly around accessibility and offline/poor connectivity support. The WordPress Mobile Apps, developed as open source, leverages that opportunity to bring the best WordPress experience on the road.
    This talk, by one of the developers involved in the development of the WordPress Mobile Apps, will contain first hand information on the way the team develops and test them to make sure that they provide the experience that the users expect, and how anyone can contribute to the effort, either coding, testing, contributing designs or documentation.

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  • Cesar Tardaguila: Accessibility of the WordPress Mobile Apps

    WordCamp Taipei 2018Speaker: Cesar Tardaguila

    December 11, 2018 — Mobile devices provide an extraordinary opportunity to deliver a superior mobile experience to every user. But still, we, the Mobile Team at Automattic, faced some interesting challenges when we tried to make the WordPress Mobile Apps more accessible. This talk, by one of the developers involved in overcoming some of those challenges, will review the accessibility tools both iOS and Android provide, and will contain first hand information on the way we develop and test the WordPress Mobile Apps, always making accessibility one of our highest priorities, to make sure that we provide the experience that our users expect.

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  • AJ Zane: Using WordPress as an Engine for Hybrid Mobile Apps

    WordCamp San Diego 2016Speaker: AJ Zane

    April 28, 2016 — Five years ago, WordPress powered 13% of the web and struggled to be considered as anything more than a “blogging platform.” Today, as the de facto content management tool that powers a quarter of the internet, WordPress is at a crucial pivoting point of determining how to get *off* of the web. A CMS can no longer merely exist as a website entity available when summoned from the browser. Now, a “website” must extend into the peripherals our users are accustomed to and become an active participant in the dissemination of content. There must be, “an app for that.”

    Luckily, with the recent hotness of JavaScript-based front end frameworks, we can use the same skills, tools, and experiences learned from making websites and apply them to developing apps that run not only on iOS and Android phones, but across many platforms. This presentation will explore how WordPress’ capabilities position it as the perfect engine to power hybrid applications. Be warned: There will be code.

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  • Birgit Olzem: WordPress als App-Framework

    WordCamp Nuremberg 2016Speaker: Birgit Olzem

    April 21, 2016 — WordPress ein Blog? Schon längst nicht mehr! Wie wir WordPress als App-Framework nutzen können, möchte Birgit uns anhand unterschiedlicher Ansätze zeigen. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt hierbei die WordPress REST API. In ihrem Vortrag möchte sie zeigen, was notwendig ist, Plattform unabhängige Apps mit WordPress zu entwickeln und welche Voraussetzungen erfüllt sein müssen. Es werden Plugins, Onlinedienste (SaaS) und mobile App Frameworks vorgestellt. Die Inhalte des Vortrags richten sich an Fortgeschrittene WordPress Anwender sowie Entwickler, die sich einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten verschaffen wollen.

  • Adam Trachtman: Hybridní mobilní aplikace

    WordCamp Prague 2015Speaker: Adam Trachtman

    September 27, 2015 — Přednáška Adama Trachtmana na téma Hybridní mobilní aplikace.

  • Andrea Bishop: Blogging On The Go

    WordCamp Montréal 2014Speaker: Andrea Bishop

    August 17, 2015 — Inspiration can be a fickle friend. Miss the moment and sometimes it’s difficult to get it back. Why not write whenever inspiration strikes and embrace mobile blogging? This presentation will be packed with tips for posting from your mobile devices and managing your blog whether you use WordPress.org or WordPress.com. We talk about:
    1. WordPress mobile apps
    2. Writing posts, uploading photo and video from your phone.
    3. Blog management from within the apps
    4. Post by Email
    5. Letting connected social accounts work for you

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  • Amit Sharma: WordPress as The Backbone of a Mobile App

    WordCamp Mumbai 2015Speaker: Amit Sharma

    August 7, 2015 — This talk is an introduction to using WordPress as a middle-ware system for various apps, particularly for mobile applications. We deal with WordPress’s Custom Posts, REST API, JSON, and AJAX to build an engine, and a simple front-end based on it.

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  • Ryan Fugate: Social Mobile Apps – BuddyPress + WP-API

    WordCamp Miami 2015Speaker: Ryan Fugate

    July 1, 2015 — BuddyPress + WP-API Apps are taking over the web. Get insight into some of the technologies available to start creating hybrid mobile apps with BuddyPress and WP-API.