AJ Zane: Using WordPress as an Engine for Hybrid Mobile Apps

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April 28, 2016

Five years ago, WordPress powered 13% of the web and struggled to be considered as anything more than a “blogging platform.” Today, as the de facto content management tool that powers a quarter of the internet, WordPress is at a crucial pivoting point of determining how to get *off* of the web. A CMS can no longer merely exist as a website entity available when summoned from the browser. Now, a “website” must extend into the peripherals our users are accustomed to and become an active participant in the dissemination of content. There must be, “an app for that.”

Luckily, with the recent hotness of JavaScript-based front end frameworks, we can use the same skills, tools, and experiences learned from making websites and apply them to developing apps that run not only on iOS and Android phones, but across many platforms. This presentation will explore how WordPress’ capabilities position it as the perfect engine to power hybrid applications. Be warned: There will be code.

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