‘PHP’ Videos

  • Old WordPress REST API, new tricks

    WordCamp Montreal 2023Speaker: Christina Garofalo

    November 18, 2023 — Learn how to leverage WordPress’s existing endpoints and create custom ones using PHP without needing plugins. Find out how to use endpoints to power front-end React apps, web apps or even entirely separate websites.

    The WordPress REST API was introduced in 2016. It has been part of the WordPress ecosystem for about seven years and is well-documented.

    With the introduction of React and Gutenberg blocks, the REST API can take on a new life to help developers create complex apps with relative ease. Where once it was primarily used for basic integrations, developers are now harnessing its full capabilities for ambitious projects. The WordPress REST API can power modern web applications and custom blocks, showing that it remains highly relevant for building on the web today.

  • Advanced performance and scalability for PHP developers

    WordCamp Asia 2023Speaker: Alain Schlesser

    October 13, 2023 — This talk examines what performance and scalability mean from a server-side development perspective and how to optimize for this environment.

    It covers basic mechanisms like profiling, deferred processing and caching first.

    Then go deeper into code that simply needs to run faster or in a more scalable way, including topics such as loop optimization, static data, opcaches and other concepts.

  • WordPress and hooks: understanding and using them

    WordCamp Europe 2023Speaker: Marco Berrocal

    October 13, 2023 — The workshop for WordPress developers offers an opportunity to understand and work-with hooks. Learn more about some of the hooks WordPress has to offer and find out how to create your own.

  • Developer Hours: Introduction to the HTML API

    WordPress Developer HoursSpeaker: Dennis Snell

    August 31, 2023 — WordPress has been upping its HTML game, and the new HTML API is enabling new ways of reliably working with and modifying HTML.

    Maybe you know this vicious cycle: ever-expanding regular expression patterns, HTML edge cases, and growing complexity of matching code ends up obscuring what you set out to do in the first place, and still isn’t reliable. Let’s talk about how this game is changing, what we can do today, and what is coming in the near future.

    We’ll start with some quick demos of using the new HTML API interfaces, then briefly discuss some of the limits of the new systems, and finish with a time for questions and discussion, so bring your curiosity.

    Topics to be covered

    – What can the HTML API do today?

    – What will the HTML API be able to do with the 6.4 release?

    – When is the HTML API not appropriate?

    – How fast and efficient is the HTML API?

    – How reliable is the HTML API?

  • Elena M. Brambilla: PHP 8, le novità che ci attendono!

    WordPress Meetup TorinoSpeaker: Elena M. Brambilla

    September 3, 2022 — Questo talk offre una panoramica sulle innovazioni introdotte da PHP 8.

  • Rodolfo Melogli: Da zero a PHP…

    WordCamp Italia 2021Speaker: Rodolfo Melogli

    November 6, 2021 — WordPress e WooCommerce sarebbero nulla senza PHP. Sviluppo e customizzazione non esisterebbero. L’unicità di ogni sito non sarebbe possibile.

    Ecco, senza PHP “you go nowhere” e nel talk partiremo letteralmente da zero per poi cercare di capire le basi del PHP e come utilizzarlo per modificare un sito WordPress/WooCommerce.

    PHP è difficile solo per ricordarsi il significato dell’acronimo – per il resto è un linguaggio di programmazione divertente, intuitivo e allo stesso tempo… pericoloso. Basta dimenticarsi un punto e virgola e l’intero sito può andare offline 🙂

    Lo scopo di questo talk sarà convincere i non programmatori a provare a scrivere un paio di righe di PHP anziché scaricare “yet another plugin”. Se ci sono riuscito io che non sono un programmatore…

    Presentation Slides »

  • Jonathan Brinley: A Survey of WordPress PHP Api’s Part 2

    WordCamp Jacksonville 2019Speaker: Jonathan Brinley

    August 31, 2020 — Settings, widgets, HTTP requests, shortcodes… WordPress gives plugin developers more than a dozen PHP APIs. Using these APIs enables developers to write extensions the “right” way, using methods, actions, and filters that make plugins forward-compatible, maintainable, and extensible. We’ll take a tour of these APIs, exploring when and how to use them to build a WordPress plugin.

  • Zeev Suraski: PHP – A glimpse into the future

    WordCamp Europe 2020Speaker: Zeev Suraski

    June 14, 2020 — WordPress is the most successful application that was ever written in PHP. As such, the two have a symbiotic relationship, where the proliferation of one benefits the other and vice versa.
    In recent years, the introduction of PHP 7 helped make WordPress better and more competitive, allowing users to deploy high-performance sites with radically better response times and while using fewer resources than ever before – simply by upgrading the underlying platform. In this session, Zeev will tell the story of how PHP 7 came to be (and WordPress’s role in it), the impact it has on the PHP ecosystem, as well as provide a glimpse into some of the key upcoming features to look for in PHP 8.

  • Saied Abbasi: Theme Development PHP vs. JavaScript

    WordCamp Santa Clarita 2020Speaker: Saied Abbasi

    May 30, 2020 — In 2015, Matt Mullenweg suggested that the WordPress community invest some of their time to “learn JavaScript deeply”. Well I am late to the party, and maybe some of you are as well, but Gutenberg is here and JavaScript is amongst us.

    This talk is intended to be a humble narrative about my journey to learning JavaScript, and some React. One that is still ongoing, and that has stopped and started a few times.

    I was originally a WordPress user, turned webmaster, turned developer. This transition has shaped my perspective on development and hopefully allows me to provide some unique and WordPress-oriented insights into how one might move from a PHP-based, WordPress paradigm to make room for JavaScript and React in our workflows.

    We will explore the current evolution of theme development. How JavaScript fits into a WordPress developer’s workflow and where a WordPress developer may end up leaning on an amalgamation of what they know and they may still need to learn. And from that, I hope to open up a conversation about knowing WordPress as a platform and PHP developer, while perhaps not being the best JavaScript developer in the room.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Dennis Ploetner: PHP – Verso la versione 7.4

    WordPress Meetup MilanoSpeaker: Dennis Ploetner

    March 16, 2020 — Le prestazioni raccomandate per WordPress sono PHP >= 7.3, MySQL >= 5.6 o MariaDB >= 10.1, mod_rewrite per Apache attivo e supporto per HTTPS. Ma il nostro amato CMS dovrebbe funzionare anche con la versione 5.6.20 di PHP. Cosa vuol dire? Scopriamo insieme le novità e le incompatibilità dalla versione 5.6.20 alla 7.4.