‘WordPress Coding Standards’ Videos

  • Ein-Klick-Entwicklungsumgebung mit GitHub Codespaces

    WordCamp Germany 2023Speaker: Thomas Rose

    October 20, 2023 — GitHub Codespaces ist eine komplette Entwicklungsumgebung in der Cloud. Darauf zugreifen kann man über jeden Browser. So kann man sofort mit dem Programmieren loslegen, WordPress ist vorinstalliert, Wunsch-Plugins sind aktiviert, WordPress-Codingstandards greifen und eine kontextsensitive Suche in der WordPress-Dokumentation ist auch dabei. Mit buchstäblich einem Klick kann man einen Codespace eröffnen und sofort an einem Plugin oder Theme arbeiten, man muss keine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung mehr aufsetzen.
    Im Vortrag beleuchtet Thomas Rose, wie man einen Codespace in einem bestehenden GitHub-Repo bereitstellt und konfiguriert.

  • Carme Mias: What are coding standards, and why should you bother?

    WordCamp Edinburgh 2018Speaker: Carme Mias

    April 11, 2019 — If you are a freelancer, adopting Coding Standards for the first time is a bit like taking up exercise: you know it’d do you good, but there’s always some urgent deadline or something else more important to do. After all, your code works, right? So, why bother?

    In this talk, I will tell you why it matters, explain my experience of the process, including the ups and downs, and share a few tricks I have learned on the way that will make your work better and your life easier.

  • Juliette Reinders Folmer: Leveraging the WordPress Coding Standards to Review

    WordCamp Utrecht 2017Speaker: Juliette Reinders Folmer

    January 5, 2018 — In contrast to most coding standards, the WordPress Coding Standards are about so much more than just (code) style. It is about best practices, modern code, preventing conflicts with other themes and plugins and can even help safeguard you against some common security vulnerabilities.

    No matter whether you are a developer or you can’t tell divs from eval’s, the WordPress Coding Standards can help you. Let me tell you how…

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  • Swapnil V. Patil: Introduction WordPress Coding Standards and Automating Them

    WordCamp Pune 2017Speaker: Swapnil V. Patil

    May 13, 2017 — Until the past few weeks, Swapnil was one of the people who didn’t care much about coding standards and the general readability the standards offer to the code.

    He recently experienced how much difference that makes.

    Now Swapnil would like to introduce WordPress Coding Standards and how to automate them.

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