Tyler Sticka: WordPress-Powered Portfolios

7 responses on “Tyler Sticka: WordPress-Powered Portfolios

  1. pundit

    Thank you, this was both fun and useful! I am implementing a portfolio site for a friend of mine, and I’m going to play with custom meta tags.


  2. Meelis

    Where could i get hand of those Page.php’s?


  3. Tyler Sticka

    Thanks for the kind words! Slides, code snippets and links are posted on my blog: http://tylersticka.com/2009/09/wcpdx09/


  4. Ralev

    Cool video, dude!
    they should put a “download feature” around 🙂 so one can save this.
    btw – I’ve tried different portfolios through the years and now I’m actually using 2:
    1 is based on a issuu.com – and it’s for a fast preview of my main design – the logos
    2 is separated in a blog and it’s like a backup – where I’m putting different things that we’ve designed, but are not the focus of our designs studio and also .. there I have the place to write a few words for each case ( if I have the time and I want ).

    What bothers me is that I have to put 3 diff. thumbs for each design in the blog… instead of just using a plugin that can crop this or something. It’s annoying 🙂 Just sharing my observations with you.

    Anyway – clients and friends like that the main portfolio is really fast accessible. So whatever you gonna do with your portfolio – try to make things faster and simpler – otherwise people with get bored and will close your folio right away 🙂 This is my personal tip.


  5. metin

    Very well thought-out topic. Thanks for that


  6. subhasis nayak

    it is awesome, nice tutorial, alot of information is there better to watch the clip in a better way


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September 19, 2009

Tyler Sticka talks about creating and maintaining a WordPress site to serve as a portfolio to both show and describe your work, including plugin and theme ideas to get you started easily. The talk also includes code snippets and suggestions for optimizing your theme for serving a portfolio.

Video production by Joe Christensen of Blaze Streaming Media.

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WordCamp Portland 2009 12


Tyler Sticka 1


Custom Fields 25
Design 349
taxonomy 8
Themes 279


English 10516

MP4: Low, Med, Original
OGG: Low
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