Chris Molitor: Finding the Perfect Theme for You or Your Business

21 responses on “Chris Molitor: Finding the Perfect Theme for You or Your Business

  1. Austin Storm

    Nicely done! Very fun presentation.


  2. Chris Molitor

    I think that’s the coolest picture of me I’ve ever seen 😉


  3. erica

    A great presentation that captivates the audience, is not boring, and it explains in laymans terms. ! Kudos


  4. Ed Kingston

    Very well done video. Looking forward to more of these from you.


  5. manga

    Nice presentation.

    One question though. If I find a premium theme that I like, it has lots of nice features and looks just about right for what I want.

    But there are some slight things I want to change. Should I give the author of the Premium theme a suggestion for a modification or should I try and edit the theme myself for the very best result?

    That´s my question as I throw it out.


  6. Marc Beneteau

    I was hoping for much more practical info – differences between a theme and a theme framework – it mentions Themeforest, but what about Thesis, WPRemix, ThemeHybrid, ElegantThemes – or even Artisteer.

    Also, I don’t agree on the need for “uniqueness” for a business site. With a unique banner and some color tweaking, there is very little need anymore for a unique design


  7. Tanya

    unreal……would love you to check out my website and tell me if I’m a freak as I designed it myself, self taught!!!!



    @erica and Ed Kingston Thanks! 🙂

    @manga If you purchase themes from Theme Forest, 99% of them include the full PSD (Photoshop Document). So if you’re familiar with Photoshop, you can customize the design to your hearts content. If you are wanting to change the code behind the theme, I would highly recommend first contacting the author. I’ve received lots of requests to update my themes and actually released updates (FREE updates) that include the requested features.

    @Marc Beneteau I only had 5 minutes, so I couldn’t go into much detail unfortunately.

    Regarding uniqueness, try as hard as you can to be different (but not a freak). If money or time is preventing you from guaranteeing a 100% unique theme, I agree with you 100% 😉


  9. Ed Kingston

    Artisteer has done a lot of good work on WP themes. It is not too expensive either. If you do not have much time to work on the HTML and CSS then it is worth it.


  10. Chris Molitor

    @erica and Ed Kingston Thanks! 🙂

    @manga If you purchase themes from Theme Forest, 99% of them include the full PSD (Photoshop Document). So if you’re familiar with Photoshop, you can customize the design to your hearts content. If you are wanting to change the code behind the theme, I would highly recommend first contacting the author. I’ve received lots of requests to update my themes and actually released updates (FREE updates) that include the requested features.

    @Marc Beneteau I only had 5 minutes, so I couldn’t go into much detail unfortunately.

    Regarding uniqueness, try as hard as you can to be different (but not a freak). If money or time is preventing you from guaranteeing a 100% unique theme, I agree with you 100% 😉


    • manga

      Thanks for the answer.

      I´m using Arthemia Premium and there all they talk about is paid customisation so I don´t think they will change stuff for free :p

      Not with the stuff I want to change anyway.

      How does creating a PSD turn into theme changes? I haven´t understood that. Could you throw me in the direction so I can read up on this. Cause that would be sweet.


  11. Expeseo

    Thanks for this lovely presentation, very nice


  12. Sofia

    For a business site If you are wanting to change the code behind the theme
    Thanks Nice Post


  13. Chris Molitor

    Just saw this great article from Boag World: 3 ways to make your site stand out from the crowd

    Their headline reads “Too many websites look the same as their competition. If you want users to remember your site it needs to stand out from the crowd.”



  14. Ed

    I read that article too Chris. Very interesting and well written.


  15. neurotranslator

    Thanks Chriss for your video. I already got the direction and the video make it clearer.


  16. Gavin

    Thanks and nice presentation.
    One question though. If I find a premium theme that I like, it has lots of nice features and looks just about right for what I want.


  17. Marco

    Thanks for this lovely presentation, very nice


  18. Robert Faus

    Nice presentation, not with the stuff I want to change anyway.
    How does creating a PSD turn into theme changes? I haven´t understood that. Could you throw me in the direction so I can read up on this.


  19. Marc Beneteau

    I was hoping for much more practical info – differences between a theme and a theme framework – it mentions Themeforest, but what about Thesis, WPRemix, ThemeHybrid, ElegantThemes – or even Artisteer.
    Also, I don’t agree on the need for “uniqueness” for a business site.
    Thanks for this post, Marc


  20. Carmen

    Artisteer has done a lot of good work on WP themes. It is not too expensive either. If you do not have much time to work on the HTML and CSS then it is worth it.


Continue the discussion


September 26, 2009

Chris Molitor gives a five-minute rundown on how to start finding a theme that’s right for your WordPress site.

Video production by Joe Christensen of Blaze Streaming Media.

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Themes 279


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