Raphael Mudge: After the Deadline

5 responses on “Raphael Mudge: After the Deadline

  1. Rob

    Very cool plug-in! Had some problems with the Firefox plug-in when I first installed it, but I’ll give it another go. Any chance you guys can equalize the audio and re-upload to remove those harsh peaks?


  2. ileaneb

    Hi Raphael, I installed the Chrome extension about 2 months ago and it slowed down my system so I had to disable it. However, I’m willing to give it another try and if I have the problem again, I’ll turn off some options to see if that helps.

    Overall, it’s an awesome plugin and I thank you so much for creating it. I think every bloggers can benefit so I really hope it’s working more smoothly with Chrome now. I’m glad this video was posted here. Thanks!


    • rsmudge

      @ileaneb – make sure you’re using the latest version of Chrome. The 4.x release that was stable when I released AtD/Chrome has slow JavaScript performance compared to the 5.x release. If you’ve upgraded since then, you should see a healthy performance boost.


  3. Justin Alexander

    I created a similar plugin in the same space. But it uses a human social network to do the reviews, instead of automation. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bloggers-circle/ The problems they solve are akin to one another, but each is valid in it’s own right.


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May 1, 2010

Raphael Mudge gives a quick introduction to After the Deadline, a contextual spell, grammar, and style checker, including how it can help you and how you can use it everywhere on the web.

Video provided by Blaze Streaming Media.

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WordCamp San Francisco 2010 19


Raphael Mudge 3


spellchecking 5
Writing 37


English 10521

MP4: Low, Med, High, Original
OGG: Low
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