Michael Kimb Jones: How WordPress Themes Changed the World

3 responses on “Michael Kimb Jones: How WordPress Themes Changed the World

  1. mkjones

    Some of the slides have been a little borked during conversion from Keynote to Powerpoint, you can see the originals here:

    Thanks 🙂


  2. Tony Scott

    Great talk by Kimb, fantastic coverage and edit by Orange Coconut, and guest appearance by yours truly on boom mic!


  3. Cool Wordpress Themes

    Okay so on google maps on my android tablet I press the search bar and then my social security and stuff I’ve kept on my gmail shows up. How do I make it so that stuff doesn’t appear?


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July 17, 2010

Over the past 3 years the WordPress theme landscape has changed dramatically. What started as a few key community members pumping out cool and interesting theme designs has turned into big business with huge turnovers and a truly worldwide scope.

This is a history lesson showing how the theme market has grown and how elements such as free themes, theme clubs, GPL and theme frameworks steered its evolution. There’s also a look at the future of the theme market and WordPress theme technology.

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WordCamp UK 2010 3


Michael Kimb Jones 1


Development 392
framework 38
Themes 279


English 10531

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