Jonathan Daggerhart: WordPress Rewrites API

One response on “Jonathan Daggerhart: WordPress Rewrites API

  1. daggerhart

    Though there aren’t slides for this presentation, there is an accompanying blog post that goes through each of the shown examples. —


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August 19, 2016

Rewrite rules are how WordPress creates clean/pretty URIs from URL query parameters. When your new page or blog post automatically gets a human-friendly URL, this is provided by a rewrite rule, which itself is using WordPress’s Rewrite API. In this presentation Jonathan Daggerhart will go over the basics of the Rewrite API, create a few new rewrite rules as examples, and make use of the data the Rewrite API provides the global WP_Query object when it matches a rule’s pattern. Hopefully by the end of the class, you’ll have a good understanding of what the Rewrite API is, how it works, and some use-cases where it could be beneficial.

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WordCamp Asheville 2016 46


Jonathan Daggerhart 4


Rewrites API 1


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