Alisa Herr, Jeremy Proffitt and Pat Eason: Accessibility Panel

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June 19, 2017

During this session, we’ll hear from a three person panel on the importance of web accessibility, and how it affects users and businesses. Our panel will discuss various aspects of accessibility with WordPress, and will take questions. We will experience a screen reader and listen to what a user actually hears when navigating both an accessible and a non-accessible website. We’ll explore the most common types of disabilities that can impede usability, checkout out some techniques to improve accessibility, and look at WordPress specific solutions that can help.


An overview of WCAG 2.0
Tools for testing accessibility
5 easy changes to make TODAY to help with your website’s accessibility
How to better accommodate disabilities and create more accessible web experiences.
WordPress specific tools that can be used to make accessibility better.
How to sell accessibility to your clients
Who has to be accessible by law and the fines associated
Organic UX and SEO benefits

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WordCamp Asheville 2017 32


Jeremy Proffitt 2
Pat Eason 2
Alisa R. Herr 6


Accessibility 303


English 10537

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OGG: Low
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