Creating an image gallery

59 responses on “Creating an image gallery

  1. stew



  2. Ashley

    But how do you create a gallery with the photos already in your media library? i can’t seem to click multiple items in the library to create a gallery.


    • Anahid

      You have to go to your media library & attach the pictures you want to include to a particular post or page. Then when you go to that post or page & you click on gallery, those pictures that you attached to it will show up.


  3. Ciwan

    Hi Guys

    I also (like Ashley) want to know how to create an image gallery from Photos already in the Media Library.

    I would greatly appreciate help with this matter.

    Thank You.


  4. Hanni

    If you’re trying to make a gallery out of images already in your Media Library I’m afraid the only way to do this at the moment is if the images you want to use for the gallery have already been added to a post. They must have all been added to the same post. If this is the case, then to create the gallery you just need to put this into your HTML editor:

    [gallery id="post-id-here"]

    where you replace “post-id-here” with the ID of the post to which your images have been previously attached. To find the page ID follow the method described under the Exclue heading here.


    • stavr0s

      I can’t find the Exclue heading, so I can’t find the page ID to do what you suggest. Please help because I have a post with lots of photos and a gallery would be neat.


      • Sheri

        To find the Page ID, go to Pages->Edit and hover over the title of the page. The status bar of your browser will display a URL with a numeric ID at the end. This is the page ID.


    • basilgg

      That’s so clunky. This should be streamlined.


  5. Gustavo

    I love this gallery feature since it’s very simple and handy, however I’ve been having some trouble trying to make it work with some lightbox plugins, there’s one called fancyBox that worked pretty good but the problem is that when I try to link one of my pictures of the gallery to an extern URL it simply doesn’t work, I read elsewhere it could be a bug or something, so I just decided to implement a new choice, the lightWindow plugin, it works with the images I insert normally in the post, but not with the images in the gallery, since there’s not an “advanced settings” options for the gallery images, I’m not very good in programming and everything, and I know that I need to do is give every image in the gallery the Rel=”lightwindow” feature, however I have no clue how to do it, is there anyway somebody can help me??…. please!!!


  6. tatiana

    I am having trouble to set up gallery with lots of pictures around 50 now and another 50 can be added later. I ru7n into to much manual rearange work. Does anyone know how to make it a little bit faster? And I uploaded zip folder via ftp to folder content/uploads and when I am trying set pics through midia library my folder is unvisable. ( sorry, I have problem with a spelling). I also want to be able open each pic in a separate window. But I can not figure it out. I am really stuck! Please help!


  7. illbethejudgeofthat

    Awesome, I’ve been wondering how this was done, thanks a lot 😀


  8. satish

    I am facing a problem in my project,i am creating a wordpress based shopping cart.For this i have pluged wp-estore plugin and nextgen gallery plugin,i also integrated both the plugins. gallery imgages are being displaying on the post and shopping cart also displaying on the sidebar with paypal.
    The problem is that ,i want when user click on the image displayed on the post area , then that image should display on the next page with add to cart button and then that transfer to cart if user want to purchase it.please help me to solve this problem.


  9. electronish

    I don’t see any gallery option after I upload multiple images.. 😦


  10. adubs

    having this problem too. discovered that from within a post if you go to add an image, you can choose media library then “show” on an image, then choose insert to post. Now when you go to insert another image, that last image will be available in the gallery for that post. It’s annoying but you have to do this separately for each image to build a gallery for a particular post from existing files in the media library.


    • Felias

      As several others, i also have the problem, that the gallery-button just doesn’t show up.

      As adubs pointed out there are tricks to get the button back available, but this is really a mess 😦

      It would be totally awesome if this could be fixed.


  11. michael

    I know this is a little off the topic of this forum, but i’m wondering if someone could help me understand how i add an image into my blog without creating a post?

    I would like to create a widget with an image, but i don’t want to create a post in doing this.

    I simply want to add the image (maybe to a library or gallery?) so i can create a URL, then use that URL to create the widget.

    I’m a little knew to WordPress, and think i understand the process of making a widget, i just don’t want the banner i’m using for it to show up as a blog post. Can anyone help me solve this problem?


    • Michael Pick

      Hi Michael. You can upload an image from the post editor, and it will be added to your Media Library. You needn’t save or publish the post, but the image will still find its way there. It’s also possible to add images directly from the Media Library itself. Then, from the Media Library, you’ll be able to get the URL of the image and use it however you like (inserting into a widget for instance). Hope that helps.


  12. michael


    Thanks so much! That was EXACTLY what i needed.



  13. oneurope

    Hello guys, I read all posts, but didn’t find answers of what its needed for my blog. I just simple would like to have gallery with folders named, where in each folder I can have more then one photo. And when somebody click at a photo there to be a button saying next or something like this. Anyone that can help? I read so much, and couldnt understand all about this plugins, please help me. Thank you in advance.


    • Ryan Markel

      The best place for you to ask questions like this for your self-hosted WordPress blog is on the support forums. You’ll likely find someone else who has done exactly what you’re looking to do if you ask there.


    • adubs

      installing the shadowbox.js plugin will allow you to view gallery images in a modal window where you can click a “next” button to see the next image in that gallery. here’s a working example:
      and btw, to get a gallery into a post or page, you have to insert each image into the post but when you are done inserting, then delete out the image code (the a href info links in html mode) and replace with this code [gallery]
      sounds stupid to insert into post only to delete it, but that’s the only way to create the gallery as far i know. def a process wordpress needs to work on.


  14. oneurope

    Thank you Rayn


  15. Jeanette

    HELP!!! I have looked everywhere for some help with an error message I get whenever I try to upload images … and as this site seems active I thought I’d ask here.
    I get the following error message when I tried to upload images either from my PC or from the net
    Unable to create directory /home/httpd/vhosts/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Please can anyone help me to resolve this?


  16. Krzysztof Maj

    I am also having problems to create a photo gallery. I don’t see the option for that even. When I inserted two image to the post, no option for Photo Gallery available. What’s going on?


    • Ryan Markel

      Once you’ve uploaded your images, go back into the Media tool and you should have another tab at the top labeled “Gallery”. Choose your options and then insert the gallery with the button available.

      If you continue to have problems with this, please visit Support, as you will find lots of helpful documentation there and questions you will be able to find more expedient help as well.


  17. Krzysztof Maj

    Ok, I will check. Thank you for your advice. Last time when I did like that there was no another tab with Photo Gallery option. Strange!


  18. Hinson

    Krzysztof; have you figured it out yet? I have the same problem. No ‘Gallery’ tab/link.


  19. Svein Are

    I have the same problem. When uploading images within a post, they are only added to the Media-gallery, and not linked to the post I uploaded them to. So I don’t get the extra gallery-tab.

    If I DO add any of the uploaded images manually into the post (one by one), the gallery-tab will appear, giving me the option to add a gallery with ONLY that/those images in it.

    Result: Adding multiple images to a post (wanting to show them as a gallery) is a pain, have to go back and forth adding one-by-one image into the content-area, to “tag it” with the postId.

    This is a clear bug, anyone know the bugId?


  20. Svein Are

    I found a report on my issue.
    It turns out that the bug only strikes if you DON’T SAVE THE DRAFT before adding images.
    Once I started saving the draft first I could add the gallery with ease.
    Wanted to share my findings. The bug will be fixed in 2.9.


  21. karen

    Is there any way to attach a caption to each of the pictures?
    Thanks in advance!


  22. tamcalinyc

    I need help because often I write entries that have lots of images in them. sometimes i want just 1 picture and then later within the post i want to include a gallary of pictures. but it seems i can’t do this within the same post. is there a way to do this? it seems once you use the “gallary” function any place in a post, all the images in your post become part of the gallary.


    • Ryan Markel

      The gallery feature always includes every picture that is attached to the post. If you wanted to add an image that would not show up in the post gallery, you could always reference it by URL, and it should stay separate from the gallery.


  23. jen

    I’m having problems with adding images into a post. I’m new to WordPress and writing an About Me Page. Every time I place my cursor within my draft to where I want the image to appear and click the ‘Add Image’ option, and next I choose my image and click ‘insert into post’, the image appears at the top of my post and never where I placed the cursor for the actual location that I want the image to appear. What am I doing wrong?


  24. admin

    Is it only possible to create one gallery per blog? If you wanted a different set of images on different pages how would you organise the pics?


  25. Alex

    Thank you, very useful video. Now I will try to make gallery on one of mine blogs


  26. Ligress

    Hi, I found another cool flash photo galleries plugin for WordPress. Named GRAND Flash Album Gallery – multi category flash skin based photo gallery with powerful admin. I used it in my blog. There are so many different settings. You can adjust the color scheme for your blog as you wish. There are many different skins. You can present your photo gallery in a wonderful way, there is a full-screen mode. This is a very cool plugin.


  27. Steven

    Thanks to Ligress above my comment here I was able to get the plugin they have provided and run my gallery with no issues at all. Thank you!


  28. Igor

    I could find a solution.
    I uploaded 4 photos to a post or page I created.
    The gallery appeared. If you do it with less pictures, WP just considers you a trying to put a single photo.

    and find the pictuure(s) you want to add to the gallery and were it says “attached to” you click and “find” for the name of your post /page


  29. Rupert Coley

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK. Finally someone with some clear directions on how to upload a gallery. I’ve been trying to figure out for several weeks how to get one on there. But with the confusion of and it was such a pain. It was so simple yet people made it seem like it was rocket science. Once again thank you.


  30. Rup

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK. Finally someone with some clear directions on how to upload a gallery. I’ve been trying to figure out for several weeks how to get one on there. But with the confusion of and it was such a pain. It was so simple yet people made it seem like it was rocket science. Once again thank you.


  31. melissa

    Is it possible to have two separate galleries in one blog entry? How would you do this? Thanks in advance for your help!


  32. jam

    it’s great ! thanks !


  33. kathlb

    Another person said if you create a post called “Gallery” and then a cateory named Gallery when you add photos to a post and check Gallery category, WordPress automatically puts it in the Gallery for you and not in the front page as a post. I haven’t tried that yet, but I plan to 🙂


  34. kathlb

    I meant create a page called Gallery in the explanation above, not post called Gallery in the first explanation.


  35. CVAS-Computer Training Instructor Derek Diaz

    Love its simplicity so much! Simple Simple Simple, Keep it Up!


  36. Therese M Smith

    thanks looks simple enough 🙂


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January 5, 2009

If you’d like to put a gallery of images into your post – this video will quickly walk you through the process

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