Previewing and activating themes

30 responses on “Previewing and activating themes

  1. boaran

    çok açıklayıcı olmuş 😉


  2. Michael

    Greetings all. Great concept for this site.

    Here’s my first post. Using my iPhone, I was attempting, just because, to change the template of one of my blogs. When it brought up the floating “preview”, there was no way i was able to apply the change.

    Anyone else have this issue? Have a solution? Well, i really don’t need a solution, i can’t imagine that many instances/situations where i would need to change a template via my iPhone, but thought what the heck, someone here might.




  3. Mr. X

    Very good. Especially for bloggers that are new to WordPress. Keep it up wordpress. Probably some links will be more helpful, like they have in YouTube. The links are intregrated into the videos. Food for thougth. Remember that newcomers might just got frustrated to go around unguided and leave. Ciao.


  4. IvanM.

    Very Nice !


  5. JuJue

    So nice !


  6. tani

    pergezojme wordpressin per kete iniciative.


  7. Jenny

    Very interesting.


  8. Dr Deb ND

    short and sweet


  9. The Creative Cat

    Nice video, Michael. Have a small problem. I started with one of the default theme that had a customizable banner. I loaded in a photo, it showed up nicely. Then I tried out another theme with a customizable banner. Looked even better, and my photo was there in the banner. But when I intalled the theme, my custom photo was not there, although my content showed up fine.

    Any ideas? I don’t want to import the photo in again, it is already in my media directory.



  10. The Creative Cat

    Forgot to mention that I saved the new banner photo in the original theme, and when I viewed my blog after logging out, the photo was there.


  11. omul simplu

    i don’t find how to change(lo load) to a theme that’s somewhere on the net


  12. The Creative Cat

    Michael, Looks like links are deleted in these replies. Too bad, because the discussion in the link was really good.

    Wonder if there is a way to share the link in a way that will show up here?

    I am very pleased with the help I have recieved here and elsewhere.


    • Michael Pick

      Hi, Creative Cat – the links are there, they just need better colour differentiation by the look of it. I’ll speak to the design wizards. If you roll over the text you’ll see that the links are active.

      Glad you were able to resolve your issue!


  13. omul simplu

    i know to load a new theme on my local wordpress ; i ask for upload a theme to my blog located on ; thanks


    • Michael Pick

      Hi, omul simplu – the short answer is: you can’t. blogs don’t have the capability to install external themes or plugins for security reasons.


  14. The Creative Cat

    Michael, re: rolling over links in these replies to see them…. I’m not sure what you see on your monitor, but the messages just end before the links are shown. There is no “blank” space for the links to be shown, in whatever color. I see this in your message on Feb 4, as well as my later message on the same day.

    Curious thing, that.


  15. The Creative Cat

    Oh—wait! I see it now! I wasn’t expecting it to look like that at all! I was looking for a visible link address. Wonder if there are other links I have missed because of this.

    You are right, it would be helpful to see the linked phrase in a different color!


  16. Keith Davis

    Very good
    The theme that you show at the beginning of the video is Albeo, but i can’t find it in 2.8.

    Any idea what it might be under, or has it been removed/


  17. Janice Litvin

    This was a good video but I’ve been searching and searching & cannot find any detailed list of which themes support widgets and which do not.
    Thanks for any help.


    • Ryan Markel

      There really isn’t one. If you are looking for a theme on the site, normally theme authors will indicate in either the description or the tags that a theme is widget-ready.

      Otherwise—and especially if the theme doesn’t mention widget-readiness in any way—installing the theme and testing it is the only way to be sure.


  18. Radhika Tilakan

    Very very useful and interesting. Thank you wordpress!


  19. mwteel

    I’m having trouble finding the comicpress theme that I have downloaded to my hard drive, and (as far as I know), in the appropriate folder. I got it to work yesterday and then something happened and it went away. Any ideas?


  20. mwteel

    I got it to work on Saturday. Something happened when I was filling in some of my info (don’t ask me what page it was. That was about a hundred pages ago) and it got messed up. I lost the page. So I ended up starting a new blog and now, when I go to the page where I’m supposed to be adding the theme, there’s no option to do it. I’ve deleted the Comicpress file and downloaded it again, about three time. It’s in the “themes” folder within one of the WordPress folders within the Sites folder. I downloaded the WordPress Manager and installed it in the Plug-in folder, right next to the Themes folder.

    One shortcut on the ComicPress download page says to click on the “plug ins” option in my account and do it from there. Again, no such option.

    I have so many friends who’ve been successful with this and I’ve never heard about it being so hard. What’s up? I’m running it from a Mac and have downloaded, installed and set up MAMP as well.


  21. Shango

    Will all Plugins work for all themes???


  22. ファン ディン トエ

    very usefull


  23. 조규현 minbelovedkyu 이성민

    Thank’s 😀


Continue the discussion


January 14, 2009

If you’re not sure about a theme and want to try it on for size before wrapping your live blog in it, that’s easy enough to do. Here’s how.

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