Upgrade WordPress 2.7 to 2.8 in CPanel

21 responses on “Upgrade WordPress 2.7 to 2.8 in CPanel

  1. Annie Beedy

    I would strongly urge everyone that hasn’t upgraded to 2.8 to hold off for a while. It has been an unmitigated disaster and has completely messed up my blog. I’m four days into trying to fix all the problems it has caused and still nowhere near fixing all the damage.
    Save yourselves the agony and don’t upgrade.


    • Alexander Moya

      Really? I upgraded all my blogs the same day it was released and didn’t have a single problem :S

      It probably was an old outdated plug which messed things up with 2.8, probably a widget or something because of the new widget API.


    • Adria Richards, Freshworkshops


      WordPress 2.8 has a lot of new features which make managing your blog easier. The upgrade process is now one of the easiest as far as blogging and Content management systems go.

      The important thing to do is to go through the checklist WordPress has and make sure you backup your files and database.

      This way, you can “roll back” if you need to.

      If you are on day 4 of your blog having problems, there may be a problem in the configuration file.

      Make sure to visit the WordPress Forums to search for the same error someone else probably had or post your issue.


  2. Shirley Allen

    The video makes it look so easy. Unfortunately, when I try to upgrade automatically it doesn’t work the same way. When I click on upgrade automatically it takes me to a page which asks me for

    user name

    And when I put the information in it always says that it is the wrong information. I know the user name and password are definitely right so the problem must be with the hostname. What on earth am I supposed to put in there? I’ve tried everything I can think of but nothing works.

    And why am I being asked the question at all? No-one else that I know has been asked these questions. For them it worked as in the video and they had no complaints.

    If anyone knows the answers to these questions I would be delighted to hear from them.


    • Adria Richards, Freshworkshops

      If it’s asking you for the hostname, username and password, it sounds like WordPress can’t find the wp-config.php file. That file holds all the info to connect your WordPress install to the database.

      Did you use the instructions at http://codex.wordpress.org/Upgrading_WordPress or just click “upgrade” without backing up?

      You can view your wp-config.php file by connecting to your WordPress install with a FTP client like Filezilla and choosing “Edit”.

      The other thing I recommend people do is when they setup WordPress to document their database name, database user, database password, domain name, etc so they have all this info in case a problem occurs.


  3. gare

    Thanks for this post, I am holding off.


  4. barbkiebel

    I haven’t had a problem with the blog working unless having my fonts not work in Firefox count; no matter the changes I make to css; the fonts are so tiny I can barely use admin; having to shuttle back and forth from IE8 which I also hate just to be able to read text; also affected site fonts. Very strange.


  5. David Grega

    A Full Web Site Backup will include both the files and the databases. It is also a complete backup of your cPanel account which also includes emails, cPanel settings and anything else on your account.

    Note that you CAN restore anything listed under “Partial Backups” yourself. However, the Full Web Site Backup will need to be restored by your web hosting company.


  6. Chris M.

    Only people I have seen with WP 2.8 issues, had incompatible plugins. As always make sure your plugins are current first!


  7. Vasanti

    I keep getting Fatal Error while trying to autoupgrade. From the comments above, I see that it could be the plugins (I use a lot of plugins). Thanks to Annie, I am holding off!


    • Adria Richards, Freshworkshops

      Don’t hold off. On the blog I updated, I have 35 plugins. I have upgraded 3 of my blogs in the last week and had 0% problems.

      1. Read the directions
      2. Make a backup
      3. Check your backup
      4. Ask your host for help if something goes wrong
      5. Visit the WordPress forums if you need help

      Most people will not have any problems upgrading their WordPress blog if they follow these best practice steps.


  8. kgagne

    I always wait for the 2.x.1 release anyway. What’s the rush? 2.7.1 is working perfectly for me, so if it ain’t broke…


  9. Steve Young

    We Always, Always wait till .1 of any version. Except for testing on non production sites or security issues that normally have a patch instead of the need to upgrade.

    On our test sites we are happy to test and comment to wp, plugin or theme authors.

    On our site with a modest but important 1,000 readers we would like 100% success.


  10. Evgeni

    When I click “Upgrade WordPress Automatically”, the screen is stuck with “Downloading update from http://wordpress.org/wordpress-2.8.zip” message and doesn’t do anything.
    My current version is 2.7.1

    Any tips on what I’m doing wrong.


  11. ecompanylc

    Hi there,
    I upgraded and it seemed to be no problem. I have about 30 plugins. I reactivated half of them one by one. But then I got to a point where I can not activate the other 14 plugins. I am getting the following error message everywhere on my admin page under wordpress….

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /home2/greatmlm/public_html/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 122

    What happened ?


  12. Andrew

    I would love to use this comments template in my wordpress blog, can you give me an example of how you did this. I am having a hard time finding out the best way of editing my style.css and comments.php file to get the comments the way I want after creating a theme using artisteer.


  13. Philippe Poustis

    Here is the best link when it comes to upgrading Worpdress : http://codex.wordpress.org/Upgrading_WordPress


  14. jbucknoff

    This was a very useful video because it covers the AUTOMATIC upgrade function. A significant percentage of the tutorials, blog entries and other material in the WordPress codex and help pages only cover the manual procedures, which may be daunting for some “non-geeks” — and even for some very computer savvy folks who just don’t want to take a chance with a manual upgrade.

    Thanks for this information.


  15. o2 mobiles

    definitely worth watching the video but i had the latest version in my cpanel when i bought it


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June 29, 2009

In this short video Adria Richards talks you through the process of upgrading WordPress from version 2.7 to version 2.8 via CPanel.

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