John Lilly – Lessons From Mozilla: WordCamp San Francisco 2009

20 responses on “John Lilly – Lessons From Mozilla: WordCamp San Francisco 2009

  1. Jay Davis

    After watching this video I have to say i thought John Lilly presented his speech very well he was very informative and i easily understood his message.


  2. Krzysztof Maj

    it was really nice to listen to John’s presentation. Honest and true about marketing and kind of organization for a large community like Mozilla and Firefox itself. FF3.5 is the browser which you really want to use – well done Firefox!


  3. Bert

    Nice, very informative. He seems like a cool dude.


  4. christian coker

    I love the fact that Mozilla gives credit where its due and this goes a long way to uphold the spirit open source


  5. halfacat

    Cool presentation until 14 minutes in where it stops playing.


    • Ryan Markel

      I just checked the video to see if this would happen, but it hasn’t.

      After reloading the page or restarting your browser, are you still having trouble viewing the video?


  6. marcampbellja

    IT is still misunderstood by too many people. What a lesson for a newcommer like me!
    Great presentation by Mr. Lilly.

    Old fashion politicians should be shaking in their boots…

    The web will make the world a better place…assuming we have freedom of speech around the world.

    Us older folks must pay attention to the youth…they can get us fully engaged.

    Great job!!!


  7. Medical Intutitive

    Wow, I like but the video interupts the audio and I cant hear all of the talk at all. Suggest you make an audio only link. I have dedicated medium fast DSL and this video is almost useless.


  8. blockport

    well streamimg takes much more time than youtube, is it qulaity or just the player thing????


    • Ryan Markel

      It’s a quality thing, although if it’s taking a ridiculous amount of time, check in the upper-right-hand corner of the video embed and (if it’s on) turn the HD playback off to save yourself some bandwidth.


      • Hailin

        HD makes sense only in full screen mode. Turning on HD in current width =600 px dimension does not increase quality, because it already downloads the best quality for w=600 px. So our default is actually equivalent to youtube’s HD.

        HD is very bandwidth intensive, requiring about 3 Mb/sec connection and a fast CPU to process it.


  9. Thomas Leonard

    As a non-nerd, and part of that group of over 50 (way over) I found this very interesting as to what and how mozilla is and does. I will use it more now and bring some of your companies methods and ideas to my business and life. I find listening to some of the young people in business today inspirational and listening to John Lilly was great.


  10. Hemanth

    I’m not able to view the presentation… It’s slow and I’m prety sure its not my internet access.


    • Ryan Markel

      The presentation is quite long; please also check to make sure you don’t have the HD flag in the upper-right of the video frame turned on if you’re having issues with load times.


  11. yahaya tijjani

    hellow; iam not able to say this presentation is bad, but i hope the presentation next time to be improved. thanks.


  12. DC Consultants

    Best presentation I have heard in a long time. We are not moving toward “Open” any time soon but this great advice how to keep projects scalable and some good general advice.


  13. janet

    Like his speech, all the speeches I have heard, very good.


  14. halaman bermasalah

    very informative ..
    nice ..


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July 8, 2009

John Lilly, CEO of Mozilla, presents at WordCamp San Francisco 2009 on Open Source, lessons learned from Mozilla, and the role of community.

Video by Dave Curlee and John P , with post-production by Michael Pick

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WordCamp San Francisco 2009 9


John Lilly 1


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