Import your WordPress blog into Facebook

80 responses on “Import your WordPress blog into Facebook

  1. mark

    Not that at 0:30 in this video you have to tick a tick box that states:-

    “By entering a URL, you represent that you have the right to permit us to reproduce this content on the Facebook site and that the content is not obscene or illegal.”

    Make sure you understand this FULLY before proceeding.


  2. reuben257

    It seems to have trouble bringing the photos over. Anyone else have this problem?


    • Ryan Markel

      I’m currently using the feature as well and it is pulling in my gallery thumbnails without any trouble and even preserving the links to the big versions. They don’t show in my profile view, but they show if I go to Notes or look at the individual Notes entries.


  3. Bryan

    I haven’t tried this yet due to lack of time, but I have a question. Does anyone know if you can import ANY blog into facebook? I have wordpress installed on my hosting acct and was curious if this would work also, or if it had to be from an actual wordpress blog.


  4. Toby Barnett

    Reuben, I use the NetworkedBlogs app to import blog posts and it seems to pull pictures in “ok”.


  5. firepower76

    @reuben257: I have the same problem. No photos…


  6. Brandy

    It seemed to work fine for me. I use plugins called zemanta and amazon reloaded to add most of my images.


  7. atmonadi

    i already imported my wp blogs content to FB (see Using Wp-plurk plugin you can also ditribute the content link (just only title) into Plurk, and from here redistribute to FB, Twitter, MP, and Tumblr. My Blog also installed mobile wp plugins, with thi pludinso i can post from my handphone (this is simple hp nexian ng-800 model) to myblog for short message (120 chars) and can be view on FB also.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. mariano

    and… since i started using it at my profile and sharing “with everyone” my traffic dropped by 25% :s


  9. Jason Small

    This is great! Thanks man!



  10. Forrester McLeod

    Oh! Exciting! I will check it out tomorrow. Does anyone know if it’s okay to drop an ‘f’ bomb on facebook? Not that I do it very often…..:)


  11. badakdua

    i’ve installed my blog into facebook with networkedblog app


  12. Angelo

    I have a blog imported using Facebook notes but I would like to remove it. Is this possible to do?


    • Ryan Markel

      If you follow the instructions in the video, when you get to the point where you would normally be adding the feed, you’ll instead see a button that says “Stop Importing”. That should do the trick.


  13. Arnav

    Is there an option to show only EXCERPTS on facebook, coz if ur using adsense on ur blog… this procedure will kill ur revenue… no one will visit the blog…..


  14. chozenone

    michael, what application did you use to build that demo? i like it very much and want to use it myself.

    thanks – CO


    • Michael Pick

      Hi chozenone – I recorded the tutorial with ScreenFlow, edited in Final Cut Pro, recorded audio with Soundtrack Pro, and do titles etc. in After Effects. However, most of that could be done right from within ScreenFlow (on a mac) or Camtasia (on Windows). Hope that helps!


      • David Gadarian

        very cool video post – I’ve been playing around and looking for a solution like this for a while…

        also thanks for the heads up on the video – I have to second @chozenone with the compliments!


  15. Yogesh Malik

    This would be good, let me try it.


  16. S.K SHARMA

    This is awesome feature.I like it ,I’ll import my blog to facebook soon.


  17. josepheulo

    anyone know where I can get this theme?


  18. imdave

    I’ve been trying to import my blog into my business page on Facebook, but it keeps showing up on my personal page. Anyone have any suggestions?


    • gaack

      Same issue here. I haven’t been able to find anything to do this.


    • creaturesfromjessejr

      Has anyone answered imdave’s question about importing the wordpress blog into the business page and not the personal page? I’m trying to do the same thing.


    • ethicalbusinessbuilder

      It doesn’t look like anyone has responded yet, but you can definitely just import it to your Business Fan page. This is what I did for my blog:

      In FB, bring up your Fan Page (click on Ads and Pages in the bottom left)
      On the Edit Page screen, scroll down to Notes and click Edit
      This will bring up the Notes Tab JUST for your Fan Page.
      Carry on from about 0:15 from there.

      If you don’t have a Notes Tab on your Fan Page, view the Page and click on the big + sign where Wall, Info, Photos, Discussion, Etc. are located to add a Notes Tab.

      Hope that helps. 🙂


      • Dave Ference

        I have done this several times and it keeps showing up in my personal FaceBook page, not the business page. I know the process, it just isn’t working. Everything looks correct, but it still shows up on the personal page.


        • ethicalbusinessbuilder

          Dave, The only other issue I had was that since I imported my blog into my personal page first, I had to remove that import from the Notes area. Then I deleted every blog that I imported one-by-one by going to each individual Note and clicking Remove.

          That removed the blogs that I imported to my personal page and they haven’t shown up since however they are working perfectly with my business page.

          Sorry if that doesn’t provide any more help. That’s just my experience.


      • Dave Ference

        I will try it that way and see if it works out. Thanks.


  19. hipcat

    No good.It didn’t bring my audio files. I am not sure if Notes in faceboook could work with audio. copy and pase of a WP address doesn’t work in the posts on facebook. That is a WP problem, you got to get the shortlink


  20. dslevy

    Does anyone know if this will keep streaming new entries to FB notes or do you have to import each time you want to update this? I’ve never had much success getting each post to import automatically and it’s occurred to me that maybe this feature doesn’t do that. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  21. carol


    Nope, it doesn’t auto update for me either. And on the initial import, all my blog entries carry the date of the import, not the date of the post. ugh!!


  22. Ryan Markel

    For your questions related to the Facebook Notes application, please keep in mind also that Facebook maintains a help page for that application here:


  23. aslı

    Whether you’re using self-hosted WordPress or, the option to do so is in the same place.


  24. Hanna

    Hello! WordPress is excellent! I would like to import my blogg into a facebook group. Does anyone know how to do this?


  25. Ehud

    Hey! Does anyone know how (did anyone try) to synchronize the comments in the blog with the one on Facebook? (specifically – export the comments from FB to the WP blog?) Thanks!


  26. Ä°smail YK Facebook

    super thanks


  27. bocraw

    Really helpful piece. Similar to Hanna’s question, is there anyway to do the same thing for a FB FAN PAGE as opposed to an individual’s FB page?


  28. w0manitka

    Thanks guys. This alleviates a lot things and it really works 🙂


  29. Doug

    How do you do this for a page rather than a personal profile?


  30. closertothefurthest

    i have a problem with this.. it used to be working but when i tried to import my blog again it says :

    Import Failed

    We couldn’t find a feed using the URL you provided.

    the url is definitely correct but it seems it can’t read the url or something..

    i’ve also tried to import from blog/rss import, guess what.. failed again.

    “The blog/rss url you entered is not valid. Please verify and try again.”

    help anyone?


  31. Paul

    This program was able to automatically put my posts into Facebook page wall with images.


  32. christygriner

    this is so helpful. thanks.


  33. Vincent

    The new facebook doesn’t show the “import a blog” under notes..

    Anyone know where its gone to?

    Liked by 1 person

  34. ProLire

    Exactly what I wanted to do.
    Thank you for this tutorial.


  35. DanFromOhio

    I have the same problem as carol and dslevy, it never updates beyond the initial import. Help?


  36. Simon

    Thank you very much.

    Very nice tutorial. Very useful.


  37. abisocialmedia

    Thank you! Very helpful!


  38. chasingmoonlight

    Thank you for easy and simple video. Very helpful.


  39. Michael

    The only way I could get the import to work was to specify the rss2 address. So for example my import address would be:


  40. andreiphx

    thanks Mike, very usefull.


  41. masahk

    I keep getting an Failed error even though a url/rss validator approved that it was valid… Suggestions?


    • Ryan Markel

      If this function isn’t working and your feed properly validates, please double-check the values you’ve entered. If they are correct, you should contact Facebook and ask them what’s up.


  42. Deborah

    Oh thank you! This was very helpful.


  43. Alex

    Added this to my Facebook but doesn’t seem to be streaming in my recent posts. Only my ones prior to adding?


  44. Clint

    Thank you; I was having trouble with importing WordPress to Facebook with Wordbooker, however this tutorial has solved my issues.


  45. ronacrete

    I keep getting the message Import Failed
    We couldn’t find a feed using the URL you provided. I tried the message about the rss feed, but do I have to create and rss on wordpress first, if so, how? Sorry if I am missing the obvious.


  46. Mspacapan

    Is it possible to show the posts on a Facebook page-not account(e.g.: Fan page…)?


  47. Zacchaeus Nifong

    For all of you guys wondering what’s going on with this terribly broken Facebook feature, I’ll explain it to you… IT’S BROKEN.

    Most of the time you have to stop importing notes, then reimport a blog, and on other occasions, Facebook Notes doesn’t even recognize the feed.

    Check out this discussion forum on Facebook to witness the rant of angry users:

    Cheers guys,


  48. Greyt Vegan Life

    Not working for me; I changed every privacy setting that I could think of to ‘everyone’, too. FEED Validator says that my RSS URL is valid. I contacted FB, who knows if they will contact me back?


  49. Divya

    I keep getting the error:

    Import Failed
    We couldn’t find a feed using the URL you provided.


  50. Lynnwood Real Estate Broker

    Took a couple of tries to get it rolling but we are finally getting my blog to import to my Facebook Fan Page. They don’t make it easy or straight forward that is for sure!


  51. Greyt Vegan Life

    I finally got it to work. A few posts were automatically imported and then…nothing. It just stopped. Eff this, I will just do it manually!


  52. handyland

    i don’t know how to make this work with the new facebook layout. can anyone help me out??


  53. the SEO guy

    Will be attempting this right now!
    Thanks guys, great post.


  54. Mitko

    As of September 30th 2011, this function has been removed.


  55. Paralegal

    Wow…Great video and powerful knowledge…Love the accent too! Appreciate you showing me how to import my WordPress blog into my Facebook account…This is all so scary and new to me, but you made it much easier than I could imagine…thanks again..Hope to get more help from you in the future. I should be good to go now! 🙂


  56. Jan Deelstra

    wow…where have I been? Who KNEW??? I’m off to try it out! Thanks for this.


  57. Matt

    Unfortunately, you can’t do this anymore, facebook have withdrawn the facility. I am currently experimenting with the woodbooker plugin. It works, although it’s complicated to set up, and I haven’t done it to my own satisfaction yet, and handily it also imports facebook comments to the blog as well.
    Hope this will help someone.


  58. surelikes

    this method doesnt work anymore, but there are 3rd party facebook apps you can install on your facebook page that can do this for you.


  59. Karl - IM Applied SEO

    Hi, Just got excited about the prospect of trying this out. Do you know what 3rd party tool will do this?


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July 22, 2009

If you’d like to bring the content of your WordPress blog into your Facebook notes stream, this quick tutorial will show you how.

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