WordPress for iPhone 2.0

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40 responses on “WordPress for iPhone 2.0

  1. tekria

    is there somethink like this for the nokia 5800 express music


  2. Hannes

    So, now we only wait for WP for Android!


    • Michael

      Hannes, there is an app for WordPress on Android, it’s called WpToGo and it works quite well. I use it on the MyTouch 3G, just do a search for it on the marketplace.

      Hope that helps =)


  3. Lee

    I’ve been using this since the first version came out. It is fantastic for quick entries as the event happens. Easy to setup and to use. Some limitations, but overall it’s all you need for quick blog entries.


  4. andrew

    Looks great for moderation but i don not like typing on the iphone that much!!


  5. Christian Montealvo

    Awesome! I was looking for an app like this yesterday!

    Thanks man.


  6. dj adelaide

    sweet, i gots to get me one of these!


  7. MaxMussa



  8. brainstrain71

    Thank you, I never knew theres an app for that. I did not just say that :/


  9. threadsinbloom

    I tried watching your video, since I am getting an iphone and use WordPress. The video stopped every 1/2 word, making it impossible to watch or listen to
    I gave up after 30 seconds.
    Is the app any better than the video ?


    • Ryan Markel

      Please give the video some time to pre-load before beginning starting playback, especially if you are utilizing your Internet connections for other tasks at the same time. Let us know if you continue to have problems watching by using our contact form.

      The app is great – I use it all the time and it’s very helpful and easy to use.


  10. brainstrain71

    It runs smooth on my end, and yes the app is a good one,, you can do all sorts of stuff with it. It can be integrated with twitter, abd the Box making it possible to send files ftp style on the go…for no cost, its a must have.


  11. lifeinpawprints

    I’ve been using this app for a couple months now on the Ipod Touch and though I sadly don’t blog as much as I used to, the ease of use of the app makes me want to do so more often.

    The only suggestions I would make are to allow Local Drafts to be deleted, allow editing of the post date (If I start a post on Monday, and don’t finish and upload it til Wednesday, I want the most recent date to show), and I’d like existing posts to be kept for viewing Locally. I don’t like that I can’t read over my posts while not in 3G range.

    Otherwise, very easy to navigate, very well organised, and I highly recommend it.


  12. group4ite

    So when is this going to be implemented on the Palm Pre?


  13. ilham

    looks great!


  14. Eric B

    I get a 403 error.


  15. Brainstrain71

    After further review, I find this a worthless app, it does not deliver what it promised in any way whatsoever. not cool guys…


  16. John

    You realize the irony in having the “how-to” video for an iPhone app distributed in the Flash format, right?


  17. Richard Harris

    I can’t seem to login on my login details. I even have my laptop in front of me so I have everything right Not sure I fully understand if that is what I should be doing of course.


  18. Brian Hays

    This is great! Keep up the good work.


  19. Anton

    Can u add that video to YouTube please so I can actually view it via my iPhone. Thanks


  20. bettymartins

    hello… is it possible to upload videos from the i-phone to my wordpress blog?


  21. John B. Kendrick

    This is a great app, and FREE. Great work guys! I had been looking for a way to simplify approving comments from my iPhone. How about adding a way to write replies to a comment right from the comment screen.

    It would be really great if a stats page could be added to this application. I realize the graph is flash, so just the text stats would work fine. Less scrolling and pinching from the dashboard when used on the iPhone. John


  22. bombee

    Very Good ! I like iphone & WordPress !


  23. Leslie

    Great have it installed, but one day I will ill my iphone – trying to type more than a tweet is hard work.


  24. Ronald AG Grant

    YooooHoooo! for iphone & WordPress!


  25. M.M.Alkali

    How could I join and benefit from your services as I new next to nothing about internet and how make use of it with out being in trouble?


  26. Robert

    I have been waiting to hear about this. The wordpress app is good for mobile blogging.


  27. Jonas

    WordPress and Iphone really rules! Thanks for making things easier!


  28. Erwin

    Great app! Only it would be nice if you could add excerpts to posts in the next version.


  29. lewisha

    It need more functionality like a random blog feature that when you click it send you to a random blog on WordPress.


  30. Moddi

    Video Streming on wordpress for iphone 4 & buddypress for iphone 4, and more social communitys solutions for iphone 4, and video chat!


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November 7, 2009

A quick introduction to the new release of WordPress for iPhone.

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