Introducing WordPress 2.9 – “Carmen”

19 responses on “Introducing WordPress 2.9 – “Carmen”

  1. Arnold Shields

    Awesome. I am big fan of WordPress and it keeps getting better and better. I love the mass plugin upgrade feature and the editing of images – great for thumbnails.


  2. Yahshar

    I’m just about to over haul my design blog and I’m not sure if I should upgrade to 2.9 now or wait to see what issue might come up. But it looks tempting.


  3. Paula Hill

    THANK YOU for all these wonderful upgrades. You have just save me hours of time with the new edit media feature, plugin upgrade feature, and my personal favorite: the return to same line in the editor feature….wow, that one is a total stress reducer. CARMEN ROCKS!!!


  4. Aricu

    2.9 is great nothing else needs to be said.


  5. Leif Andersen

    Oh, drool. I really want to use it on my blog. (Unfortunately, I’m still on 😦 ).
    Does the image editor keep the old version of the image as well as the new one?


  6. fisheyecorp

    There is nothing like WordPress. Thanks for continuing the great work.


  7. Christian Coker

    Yeaaah! Image editing and trash! It can only get better from here


  8. PelFusion is really helping…thanks for all these videos


  9. jholdburg

    Graet job with this update, you just simplified life.



  10. Maui

    It just get better and better! Can’t wait for WP 3.0. HNY WP team!


  11. Tudor

    thank you for all these wonderful upgrades


  12. Randy Barnes

    I have been upgrading each time since my 1st WP blog in 2008, but I never had any idea why or what I was getting. This time thanks to ah-ha’s at WordCamp Atlanta [#wcatl] I found out about and came here to see this. I am a video blogger and learner and a new and instant fan of this site. Huge thanks and kudos for putting this out for our community


  13. hosting murah

    I am big fan of WordPress, thank you for all these wonderful upgrades


  14. foreverbright

    I just joined, but these new features look great and very streamlined!


  15. presidioeindhoven

    I have just begun with WordPress and am exploring how to get my own videos on it without using a link to youtube.
    I don’t mind having to pay for extra needed space but is it logical that I would like my videos to go directly onto my WP site?
    What is actually the advantage rather than using the youtube link?


    • Ryan Markel

      If you use the VideoPress upgrade, you get more control over your videos, including the ability to control where they are embedded. You also receive more versatile and better-looking HD support, good stats on your videos, embeds and views, and no ads placed on your videos.


  16. Randy Barnes

    I use videos all over different blogs and the best solution is to host the files on Amazons S3 service. This costs nearly nothing but you gain a lot. Youtube and other services own and control your content if you host it with them plus that can wisk your visitors away. Users have lost all their content when the hosts have pulled their accounts with no notice. I love youtube and the others to bring visitors to your blog but once there you should keep the control of the experience, and your best intellectual property too.
    To host on S3 you need to be really geeky or get an amazingly helpful piece of software that handles it for you. I know of 2 for PC, but none yet for Mac. Its getting easier all the time


  17. T Kevin Smith

    Great video can’t wait to get in all of the new features word press has been a great platform to use in all my blogging.


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December 21, 2009

A new global “Trash” feature, built-in image editing, better plugin updating and compatibility checking, and easier embed support make up the latest release of, revealed for you in this introduction.

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