Daniel Collis-Puro: Screaming Fast WPMU

8 responses on “Daniel Collis-Puro: Screaming Fast WPMU

  1. Ashfame

    Thanks! I am going to implement those to keep my small WPMU installations under a shared hosting account. Lets see how much tightly they can be optimized.


  2. Gabriel Serafini

    Some very good tips here, not just for WordPress only. Will definitely be checking nginx webserver out as a caching proxy frontend. Was reminded to get WP Super Cache plugin installed on a couple of sites which should also help overall load. Great talk!


  3. overseas developer

    He is unsure if cleaning out options table is worthwhile.

    My 2 cents: Cleaning out options table has helped me ***numerous*** times. We have had WordPress installations go down or slow to a crawl until we cleaned out the options table. Once we had a 5MB options table and we trimmed it down to 550kb and everythign went back to normal.


    • Ashfame

      I would like to hear more on this.


    • Daniel Collis-Puro

      Hi, presenter here!

      @overseas developer

      On the “cleaning out options table” thing – I doubt that most wordpresses have an options table that large. . . and in a situation where you’re using a static cache (via my deployment option or something like WPSupercache), it wouldn’t really matter anyway. The options table is only invoked (for the majority of traffic) when your cache expires.

      I’m glad to hear helps you, though.


  4. RKM

    First, I want to thank you for the WPMU Optimization presentation; it was awesome. I’ve been researching differentWP caching techniques, and yet I’ve found no comparitive (or objective) reviews. Yours is exactly what I’ve been looking for.

    After considering everything you mentioned, and reviewing it a second time to be sure I understood all of your intentions, there is one glaring question…

    Why not use NGINX to replace Apache as the “back end” server as well? Plenty of people have done this for WordPress, so I’m assuming compatibility isn’t the issue. I realize this doesn’t solve the “Static Page Cache” consideration; however, that is not mutually-exclusive from removing Apache — and an entirely separate component that could be addressed by either (A) running a second instance of NGINX as the reverse-proxy, or (B) using a WP cache plugin without a second web server. Option B is essentially identical to creating a reverse proxy; however, you save the overhead of having a second HTTP server (Apache) as the back-end.

    Second.. I presently run some anti-DoS modules on my Apache server (mod_security, mod_evasive). If I were to switch to NGINX (either as a reverse-proxy, or as an Apache-replacement), can you suggest whether there is a similar capability/tool available?

    Finally, I happened to stumble upon an interesting link after watching your presentation, about NGINX with Memcache. It’s an interesting link I thought you might be interested in. NGINX & Memcached: http://www.igvita.com/2008/02/11/nginx-and-memcached-a-400-boost/

    Thank you in advance,


  5. Mandi Nuessen

Continue the discussion


January 23, 2010

Is your WordPress or WPMU install beginning to feel a bit lethargic? In this session Daniel Collis-Puro shares real, honest-to-goodness, rubber-hits-the-road tips on performance optimization, nginx front-end proxy caching, and optimizing the LAMP stack. Feed your need for speed and your love of WP at the same time, and leave other WP admins in the dust.

Special thanks to the Microsoft NERD Center for hosting WordCamp Boston.

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