Activating WordPress 3.0 Multisite

24 responses on “Activating WordPress 3.0 Multisite

  1. ileaneb

    Hi Devin, these instructions are pretty easy to follow and thanks for making the distinction between subdomain and subdirectory. I’d like to see directions for upgrading an existing BuddyPress install to WP3.0. I have quite a few blogs on BuddyPress and none of the admins seems to be able to get through the upgrade without getting lost. Thanks.


  2. Bryan

    Great tutorial Devin, however, I am curious why you are using Dreamweaver as your “FTP” client? Wouldn’t Transmit or WS_FTP be more productive?

    Thanks for the tutorial and your time.

    Kind Regards,


  3. Ben Tremblay

    Hi – I upgraded up from a crufty old WPMU … a little confusing, but that worked fine.

    My question is: are there advantages to going this route? Specifically, I’ve always wondered about callling posts from one “site” into another. If they’re all in one database, that should be doable, but this is “too under the hood” for me. (I realize that for most uses this is pointless, but my entire installation, all sub-domains, are actually deeply related … like branches off of one tree.)



  4. Milan

    You don’t need Dreamweaver for simple operation like this. There are lightweight, free tools for this.


  5. Andrea_R

    @Ben if you’re upgrading from WPMU, you are already running a network. You won’t need to follow these steps.

    @ileaneb it’d be better if you posted on the forums. If you’re running multiple blogs under buddypress, then you’re upgrading from wpmu.


    • ileaneb

      Hi Andrea_R says, I’m not the Admin of the BuddyPress install, so I’m not sure it would make sense for me to get involved with the forums. The Admin told me that he’s been on the forums and still not been able to resolve why all the images are missing from my blogs. The site is What’s your advice?


    • Ben Tremblay

      Right, I thought not. But so often it’s what you don’t know that bites you!

      BTW: I asked about “callling posts from one “site” into another” … has anyone written about this?


  6. Rob

    What about if you already have a WPMU site and you need to “merge” it into WP 3.0?


  7. Art

    Great tutorial…

    But on my site, after editing the wp-config.php, the Network tools are not being added.

    Anything else I should / can check?



  8. 1id

    Thanks. You gave me the courage to activate my first network site.


  9. Glenn

    Thanks for a great tutorial. Is there a way to get video with a better quality? It’s not that easy to see what you’re doing all the time. 🙂


  10. Devin

    The video is also on my site. It might be a little clearer:


  11. giulio

    Hello, thanks for this tutorial. I did all the steps, but then the super-admin panel does not come up. I’ve had to create the .htaccess file, i just pasted the code lines that wordpress gave me in between BEGIN wordpress and END wordpress. Did i make a mistake? if i try to go to network again, it tells me that a network is already in place.
    Thanks, g


  12. Maverick

    Thank You so much for this tutorial. Very useful to me and also very easy to follow. Have been looking for this for the past three or four days.


  13. Nuno


    I would like to know how i can have multiple blogs, each one in their own domain.

    Like this:, and then, each “sub” blog, in the following independent domains:

    So, not folders of the same domain, and not sub-domains.
    Different, individual, domains, for each blog.

    And I would like each domain to get their own seo ranking. I mean, I know I could simply register the domains, and then redirect each one of them to the sub-domains configured under wp-mu or wp3 installation, but in that case, the seo ranking would go entirely to those sub-domains and not to the individual domains.

    Hope I was clear.

    Thank you in advance.


  14. Tony

    I entered the code [define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’,true);] to the [wp-config.php] and refresed the admin area, but the ‘network’ option didn’t show under tools. Tried reinstalling the upgrade to 3.01 and refresed the page but didn’t show the network option. Can anyone advise please? Thank you in advance.


  15. brandon l

    thanks for the tutorial devin. very well explained. saved me alot of time!


  16. sparksbox

    Thank you for this, a much better option than having to install another wp instance to a subdirectory. With this new site however, are the plugins and other config done to the main site be reflected on the network sites or do we have the granularity to opt in-out?


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July 7, 2010

Devin Price from details the procedure necessary to switch a standard WordPress installation over to the multisite version so you can use multiple blogs from one installation.

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