Stephen Cronin: Siloing your site for SEO success

2 responses on “Stephen Cronin: Siloing your site for SEO success

  1. Arlene Aranzamendez

    I think this is really the best way to improve your website visibility on Google. The old school silo way.. Thank you Stephen!


  2. Robin Thebs

    I came to know about “silo” when reading about the on page optimisation which is part of my job, but wasn’t too bothered to do some reading.

    But this video had awakened me got me directions on how web site needs to be done and where to start with.

    I optimise site for speed, and now i got a clear idea on how to optimise for SEO. A big thanks for sharing your ideas and knowledge.


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December 5, 2012

Slides are available at

The Silo model is an old-skool SEO technique, used to create strong keyword related themes on your site, improving the relevancy of your site in the eyes of the search engines. It also lines up surprisingly well with traditional information architecture (IA) principles.

Stephen will look at the benefits of using the Silo model, how it is still relevent in 2012 and then show you how how to implement the model in WordPress.

Stephen started developing websites in 1997 and is passionate about all things web. For the last 5 years, he has managed websites for a Queensland Government department, giving him an in-depth understanding of SEO, Content Strategy, Information Architecture and User Experience for large scale sites.

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