Chris Lema: Escaping The Impostor Syndrome

2 responses on “Chris Lema: Escaping The Impostor Syndrome

  1. Ellen Mencer

    What a great presentation. I can think of so many folks, including myself, who have experienced the Imposter Syndrome or the “I’m not enough”! Absolutely wonderful program. I’ve already checked out your site, etc. Thank you so much! (PS I found this is a very round-about way that started with the dashboard of Armand Morin’s WebCamp – just thought you might be curious!)


  2. Greg Smithhisler

    Thank you, Chris, for a thought provoking presentation … I don’t think it matters what industry or livelihood-mine is “offline” and computers and WordPress are a spare-time obsession-the “impostor syndrome” is a problem in every profession. Thanks for giving us all some practical steps and remedies for a sometimes crippling infirmity. This is worth watching again and I will no doubt do so at some point late at night when I catch myself thinking “I’m not good enough.” Thanks for “keeping it real.”


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February 14, 2014

Imagine there was a way to get past all your insecurities and have the courage to keep going and growing – without any fear that others might think you’re a fraud. Come hear Chris’ take on how you can escape the impostor syndrome.

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WordCamp Phoenix 2014 39


Chris Lema 56


Impostor Syndrome 11


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