Kirk Wight: Fear in a Developer’s World

One response on “Kirk Wight: Fear in a Developer’s World

  1. michalbluma

    This is essential viewing for any of us.
    Kirk really brings out fears and anxieties that many of us suffer through, often alone in our own little corner.
    You are not alone.

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May 25, 2015

Fear is a powerful force that stalks us through most aspects of our lives. Kirk works full-time as a developer, but not a day goes by without having to face feelings of inadequacy, Imposter Syndrome, and making a commit that takes down one of the highest traffic sites on the Internet. He shares the power of fear in his life (past and present), give some fun disaster stories along the way, and share tips to ensure we all wake up raring to code every morning.

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WordCamp Montréal 2014 30


Kirk Wight 3


Developers 129


English 10532

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