Panel: Fight Impostor Syndrome

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July 18, 2015

If you’ve ever felt as if you’re “not good enough” to be part of a team, or you feel your success is owed more to luck than hard work and talent, you’ve likely dealt first-hand with Impostor Syndrome. It’s a common affliction, especially in the world of software, but if left untreated it can interfere with career advancement, wreck your personal life, or lead to total burn-out. This panel is meant to be an open and honest conversation about Impostor Syndrome, how it affects all of us, and what we can do to combat it. Get a better understanding of Impostor Syndrome and tips that they can use to fight it.

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WordCamp Dayton 2015 21


Jeff Chandler 4
Angela Bergmann 5
Rich Robinkoff 7
Steve Grunwell 14


Impostor Syndrome 11


English 10545

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