Zero Carbon WordPress

One response on “Zero Carbon WordPress

  1. transl8or

    Yeah, thats the way to go!
    Very good recommendations and really important for now and the future.


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June 22, 2017

The internet appears clean on the surface but in fact contributes 300m tonnes of CO2 a year, or 1% of global emissions.

WordPress is one of the world’s largest communities of “web creators”, shaping the code, design and content of roughly a quarter of websites worldwide.

Inspired by the landmark agreement made in Paris in November 2015, we should now unite here in Paris in 2017 as a global community to use the power of WordPress to help tackle climate change. We can harness our collective power to publish content that inspires and educates, to design and develop sites that use less energy, to power our hosting on clean renewable energy sources, to run sustainable web businesses and organise green events as a community.

WordPress can lead the way and set an example globally in how to move towards a zero web, and a zero world.

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WordCamp Europe 2017 59


Tom Greenwood 5


Carbon Footprint 5
Sustainable Web 8


English 10531

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