Nagesh Pai: Build You Own Medium Using

One response on “Nagesh Pai: Build You Own Medium Using

  1. nagpai

    Slides of the talk are right here

    Thank you so much team. This was my first WordCamp talk and i am very excited to see this 🙂


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July 19, 2017

A Happiness Engineer at Automattic, Nagesh started his WordPress journey as a freelancer, by building, and tinkering with WordPress websites between 2012 and 2016.

Nagesh comes with a rather diverse career track-record. With a strong background in Banking & Finance, Nagesh has worked in the roles of Digital Marketing at Technology, as well as in Media houses. He has also served as a Media Planner in quite-a-few agencies. The interesting part about his story is that, despite his diverse background, Nagesh’s WordPress journey kickstarted from a unique vertical: by setting up and running a community website that he built, without having any prior knowledge of programming. – He started it on blogger, and, migrated it to self-hosted WordPress. This journey, introduced him to a career in digital marketing, helped him learn to create beautiful websites, and eventually led him to Automattic!

In today’s fast-paced world, it is essential for every individual, or institution, to ‘own’ their place in the World Wide Web, through a custom website in their own name. Whether one is a journalist or a teacher, an artist or an observer, having an own medium of communication with the world – through a website is exciting, to say the least. Through his talk, Nagesh will guide the audience on how to create a website through . Platforms like extend the functionality of the open-source WordPress software, and make it significantly-easy for anyone to create their own website, and to gain popularity, with quality content, and by sharing unique ideas.

Presentation Slides »

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