Catherine Bridge: Common Desk Job Postural Alignment and What You Can Do About It!

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August 7, 2017

New research indicates that sitting 8 hours a day may be as hazardous to your health as smoking!

Web developers and other desk-jobbers frequently suffer from postural ailments such as Hyperkyphosis (hunch back) and Anterior Pelvic Tilt, which can cause pain, and eventually lead to injuries such as ruptured disks or sciatica.

This talk will be broken into three main sections.
Lecture: The woes of desk jobs, a brief outline of Hyperkyphosis and Anterior Pelvic Tilt and what can be done to combat them. This will focus on body positivity and not what is “normal” vs “abnormal” but what causes YOU the individual, discomfort and how to alleviate pain.
Questions: 5 minutes
Zumba Class: That’s right! I am going to lead whomever-shows-up in a beginner friendly, booty shaking, smile inducing physical break from *sitting all day at WordCamp!*

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WordCamp Seattle 2016 26


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