David Zweigel: WordPress for Intranet Knowledge Management

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November 21, 2017

Too often vital information is locked away in somebody’s email in box, personal or office shared drive, or often hard to find on a SharePoint site. For the US Department of State, it is only compounded when over 25% of the entire diplomatic workforce transfer to another country every year. When they transfer their knowledge often goes with them. So the Department of State is making an effort to make knowledge management priority #1.

The Office of eDiplomacy has been crafting new knowledge management collaboration environments harnessing power of WordPress. We have been using WordPress Multisite, BBPress, BuddyPress, Gravity Forms combine with open source and commercial plugins and theme, to make a cost efficient KM portal.

This presentation will cover what plugin work well to create a dynamic, intranet focused KM environment for your organization.

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WordCamp D.C. 2017 32


David Zweigel 3


Knowledge Management 2


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