Aaron Douglas: How Working Remote Saved My Life

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December 10, 2017

Growing up I was that kid always taking appliances apart trying to figure out how they worked. I was also that kid that only tended to focus on things that were sciency and nerdy. I missed a lot of details growing up frequently feeling out of place when clearly other children knew what was going on and I again wasn’t listening.

Entering adulthood I discovered this uniqueness had its challenges but I learned to cope and was successful at school and work. I also started developing health problems that cropped up slowly over the years – mostly attributed to weight gain and being less active physically.

Four years ago I started working 100% remote. Within a couple months I realized my brain and my ways of dealing with the focus & attention issues weren’t compatible with remote work. I struggled a lot and finally talked to my doctor. Discovering I did in fact have ADHD helped me understand a lot. Working with a professional counselor I developed a set of tools to help with attention and focus issues working remote. A side effect of all of those efforts was a drastic improvement to my physical health.

You’ll find out what tools have been successful for me and more importantly how to implement the changes in a way to set yourself up to succeed.

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remote working 24


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