Theo van der Zee: Uncommon Ways To Speed Up Your Website

One response on “Theo van der Zee: Uncommon Ways To Speed Up Your Website

  1. cd2central

    Index your DB (takes skill, but speeds up site)
    here is the node-view tool (solar system)
    Ensure images are sized appropriately and have been optimized for web-delivery (don’t use a plugin, do it manually as part of your process, also takes minor skill & communication with asset production & wider marketing)


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January 8, 2018

These days, everyone is using the fastest hosting, superior caching, the minimal amount of plugins, etc. (right?). Of course, these form the basis of having a fast and reliable WordPress website. However, did you know that there are many other aspects that you can optimize to improve your loading speed even further? Some examples include using image compression, removing dynamic Google Maps, optimizing your fonts and using lazy loading. For these, and many other issues we’ll provide actionable fixes, so you can start improving your website tomorrow.

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WordCamp Utrecht 2017 16


Theo van der Zee 5


optimization 61
Speed Up 11


English 10521

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