Chris Gladney: Improving Site Performance through Responsive Images

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January 10, 2019

Images typically account for the greatest number of bytes downloaded when viewing a web page. Because of this, images are an area in which there’s huge opportunity to lower the size of a page, decrease load time, and increase performance. In this session, we’ll touch briefly on the basics of how to use the appropriate file types for images on a site. From there, we’ll dig a bit deeper and discuss methods to implement responsive images, browser-specific image formats like WebP, and how to optimizing responsive images further via lazy loading. Finally, we’ll go over building out a workflow for automating image optimization via WordPress’ built-in add_image_size function and task-automation tools like Gulp and Grunt.

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WordCamp Boston 2018 39


Chris Gladney 1


Site Performance 5


English 10544

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