Corey Maass: Make the Most of Your Mailing Lists

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January 10, 2019

Building a website is just the first step. The next thing you will need to do is turn your visitors into your most loyal fans with the use of an email mailing list.

Your mailing list is one of the most important ways you can engage with your customers, followers, or users, making it one of the most valuable assets of your business. We’ll go over what makes it so powerful, how to capture emails on your website and ways to make your subscription forms irresistible.

During this talk, you will learn how to setup your mailing list, discover three ways to capture leads, understand the power of drip campaigns, and know the best practices for effective and memorable email campaigns.

By the end of this presentation, you will hold actionable steps to keep your audience engaged and help you achieve amazing results.

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WordCamp Boston 2018 39


Corey Maass 7


Mailing Lists 3


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