Swashata Ghosh: Front-end tooling and DX for WordPress Development

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March 15, 2019

Swashata will give you insight about what today’s front-end development terrain looks like, how much benefit it gives to us and how we can bring the same to our WordPress themes and plugins.

In this session, you will learn about the modern front-end development techniques ES6+ javascript features, CSS compilers like SASS, LESS along with build-time asset optimization. For this people use different compiler setups like babel, sass, and bundlers like web pack, parcel etc. Well, that’s a lot of tooling to learn and maintain, plus an overhead of time and cost. Swashata’s session will give you the solution for the same.

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WordCamp Ahmedabad 2018 9


Swashata Ghosh 1


WordPress Development 28


English 10545

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