William D Jackson: The Metaverse and WordPress, Oh My Gosh Here Comes VR

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May 22, 2023

The Metaverse and WordPress, Oh My Gosh Here Comes VR The explosion of the Metaverse, AltSpace VR, Infiniverse and other Immersive Environments is changing the structure and face of web development.
WordPress will have to pivot and maneuver through the myriad of digital languages, codes, programming and growth of AI, VR, XR, MR realities.
William will share how to understand and provide strategies to navigate the differences and nuances associated with maneuvering through immersive environments while maintaining a sense of normalcy, coherence, and connection. Those attending will take away knowledge that should prepare them for the new worlds being developed and shaped to replace basic web development.

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WordCamp Buffalo 2023 9


William D Jackson 1


English 10537

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