Heather Burns: A Web Designer’s Law Update

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  1. Heather Burns

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October 10, 2014

Regardless of CMS or platform, web designers and developers have to comply with national and EU laws affecting our work. Most of the resources about these laws are written for lawyers, by lawyers, and these resources offer little insight for those of us who are obliged to implement the laws on client sites. So once again Heather has taken it on herself to translate the legal gobbledygook into practical insights that the web community can implement. A new EU law, The Consumer Rights Directive, takes effect on 13 June 2014, replacing the 1990s trading law that currently governs e-commerce transactions in the UK. All web sites offering goods or services online must comply, and failure to do so cancels the e-commerce transaction or contract. Heather’s talk delivers a plain English explanation of what web site owners need to do to bring their WordPress e-commerce operations into line with the regulations. Heather also gives an update on recent legal developments including domains, cookies, and databases which directly affect our work as web professionals.

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WordCamp Manchester 2014 13


Heather Burns 13


copyright 18
legal 21


English 10531

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