Cory Miller: How Simply Clicking Publish Changed My Life

One response on “Cory Miller: How Simply Clicking Publish Changed My Life

  1. mathetos

    Reblogged this on Matt's Feed Fodder and commented:
    “The tragedy of life is what dies within a man while he lives.”
    –Albert Schweitzer

    Cory Miller shares his insight into “Simply Clicking Publish”. Cory is so great at speaking truth into people’s workdays based on his own experiences, both failures and successes.

    In this presentation he talks about how publishing, putting it out there keeps you honest. If you just wait on it, sitting on it, it just becomes a narcissistic exercise.

    Hit Publish! And don’t look back.

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November 14, 2014

Lightning Talks: Inspiring Stories
Over the years of working closely with people often associated with WP — from budding bloggers, talented designers and developers, I’ve realized that being able to release your work to the world is loaded with fear and anxiety and perfectionism and want to share my story to inspire others to click Publish and ship their work — whatever that may be. I share the stories of success (and failure) that living this philosophy has produced in my life.

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WordCamp San Francisco 2014 59


Cory Miller 17


Blogging 212
Content 211
Publishing 31


English 10545

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