Zrinka Buljubašić : Giving WordPress Dashboard a Welcome Redesign – Layout and Dashicons

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December 5, 2016

WordPress is a powerful tool we use on a daily basis. However, the WordPress Dashboard certainly lacks in terms of a powerful visual presence. The Dashboard is almost entirely text information where functionality is the number one priority. This means it requires special care when being shaped so that it can be processed as efficiently and as fast as possible. Along with setting modules and adding consistency both with type, shapes and whitespaces, we completely redesigned DashIcons, too. New DashIcons are all part of the same system visually and conceptually and it can be expanded at anytime. Since Dashboard has certain limitations we thought it would be creative, fun and practical to give it a new lease of life —a facelift to give this tool its much needed visual attributes.

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WordCamp Stockholm 2016 19


Zrinka Buljubašić 1


Dashboard 27


English 10544

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