Adam W. Warner: WordPress as a Vehicle for Any Business – Visualizing and Achieving Success

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April 15, 2017

Adam left college with a degree in Advertising Design and went straight to work on the factory floor making office furniture. It wasn’t the life he’d imagined but having been raised in a blue-collar family, he was taught that a strong work ethic would make you invaluable to “the company” and “they” would provide the financial security and stability needed to raise a family and enjoy life. In other words, this meant working in the same stark metal building for thirty years with twenty-minute lunch breaks and 2 weeks vacation in the summer.

In this session Adam will detail how he discovered WordPress and the open source community, the many businesses he’s experimented with, and how he’s utilized those experiences to continually fuel his entrepreneurial spirit and create his own path to a work/life balance and how you can too.

No matter what your passion, WordPress can be an integral tool to helping you achieve your dreams and success in your own business.
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.”
― Babe Ruth

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WordCamp Atlanta 2017 43


Adam W Warner 14


Business Development 65


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